
Parish Budget 2024-25

Parish Budget 2024-25 Uploaded on May 3, 2024

The Parish Budget for 2024/25 was approved by Liddington Parish Council at it’s meeting on 1st May 2024

Liddington Parish Council Budget for 2024-25
Subscriptions £550.00
Allotments £300.00
Village Hall Hire £120.00
Playing Field/grass cutting contract £8,910.60
Bulbs, Plants £250.00
Chairman’s Allowance £300.00
Clerk Remuneration £3,400.00
Clerks Administration & expenses £100.00
Members expenses and training £100.00
Audit £550.00
Insurance £930.00
Website £500.00
Captial Equipment £500.00
Play Equipment £500.00
Defibrillator annual support agreement £152.00
Parish election costs £150.00
Projects £2,500.00
Contingency £2,600.00
Extra works £1,400.00
Total £23,812.60

£73.77 for a Band D equivalent.

An increase of £4.16 per year which is 0.35p per month or 0.08p per week

Percentage change in the budget amount 5.97%