Planning applications

Planning applications

Recent Planning Applications.

Clicking on the Planning application number will take you directly to the Swindon Borough Council website with full planning application details.

S/24/0848| Closing dates for comments 19th August 2024 Installation of plant and associated works on the roof| The Great Western Hospital, Marlborough Road Swindon SN3 6BB

S/24/0014 |Closing date for comments 19th February 2024 Development of a Bio-CNG vehicle fuelling station comprising fuel pump islands, plant compound, widened access, landscaping and associated development | Land Off Commonhead Roundabout, Purley Road, Swindon, SN4 0HA


S/OUT/23/0456| Closing date for comments 14th March 2023 Outline planning permission for up to 275 dwellings (use class C3) including the provision of affordable homes, together with pedestrian and cycle connections, landscaping, surface water drainage, open space to include play areas, allotments and other supporting infrastructure (including utilities) and engineering works including groundworks; removal of structures and demolition; with all matters reserved except for the formation of accesses from the Southern Connector Road and Wanborough Road|Land East Of Wanborough Road , New Eastern Villages Wanborough