
Minutes from meeting September 2021

Minutes 2021 Uploaded on January 26, 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on
Wednesday 15th September 2021 at 7pm in the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Bunney, Hill, Hyatt, Lomax and Wilson
Also present: Ward Councillor G Sumner, Laura Evans (Clerk) and 6 members of the public
Resolved: Cllr Lomax proposed that Barbara Aftelak be co-opted onto the Parish Council in October.
The proposal was seconded by Cllr Wilson and unanimously agreed.
Resolved: No apologies were received.
Cllr Hill declared an interest as the Parish Council’s representative on the Village Hall Committee, and
Cllr Hyatt as an allotment holder.
Resolved: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 7
th July 2021 were approved and signed
as a true record
Swing- Kompan are due to install the new cross member but there has been a slight delay.
Parliamentary Boundary Review 2023- Cllr Wilson encouraged all Councillors to respond to the
A member of the public wished to approach Liddington Parish Council to see if they would consider
taking on the grass cutting of the closed church yard, as it is in an appalling state and not being cut
regularly or correctly by the PCC. All Councillors agreed in principal to take on the cut but it was
requested that the PCC need to make a formal request to Liddington Parish Council.
One member of the public raised concerns over dog fouling especially on the playing field and in the
church yard.
Clerk to see if a dog warden can be arranged for a visit to the problematic areas.
The issue of BBQ’s taking place in the top field by the recreation ground was also raised, Cllr Lomax
suggested signage prohibiting the use of disposal BBQ’s. New signage is also required at the
entrance to the playing field stating dogs should be on leads.
A member of the Church Committee is currently trying to promote the church and raise necessary
funds. A lot of organised fundraising events are taking place over the next 10 months and asked if
these could be advertised on the Liddington Website. The Parish Council agreed to allow the Church
to advertise the events on the website.
Queens Jubilee to be held next year was also raised, Cllr Lomax to speak to the Village Hall, the PCC
to see what can be organised.
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(a) To consider any planning applications:
Application: S/21/1281 (8th September)
Location: Rhodes Farm House, The Street Liddington, SN4 0HD
Proposal: Change of use of from agricultural Dutch Barn to domestic garage &
Resolved: The meeting agreed that there were no objections to this proposal.
Application: S/HOU/21/1437 (28th September)
Location: Elm Croft, Medbourne Lane Liddington SN4 0EY
(b) Proposal: Erection of a single storey rear extension – alteration to previous permission
Resolved: The meeting agreed that there were no objections to this proposal.
To note any decisions:
S/LBC/21/0126 – Liddington Manor, The Street, Liddington-Internal and external alterations to the
kitchen consisting of insertion of a window to the north elevation; removal of wall linings to east wall;
removal of suspended ceiling; investigatory works to the floor; and the removal of a partition between
the pantry and the kitchen- Granted.
S/HOU/21/0778- Parsonage Close, Medbourne Lane, Liddington – Erection of first floor and single
storey side extensions, and associated works – Granted.
S/HOU/21/1173- 1 Lidenbrook, Liddington Swindon- Erection of a single storey rear extension and
conversion of
flat roofed dormers to pitched roofs- Granted
Local Plan Review- The consultation end date has been extended until the 7
th October 2021
Cllr Lomax enquired about the response received from Highways stating that the post being
relocated, for another speed indicator device to be installed, next to hillside Cottages would not be
going ahead at this time. Ward Cllr Sumner had mentioned that speeding is an issue within Liddington
when he had to present projects within his ward. Ward Cllr Sumner to speak to another highways
Officer regarding the relocation.
Gigabyte Fibre- Cllr Hill raised concerns that even though the missing postcodes were added and
residents pledged in time, that no vouchers had been received. Ward Cllr Sumner explained that as
long as residents had pledged in time then you are listed for Gigabyte Fibre. Any issues regarding
Gigabyte Fibre should be emailed directly to Ward Cllr Sumner who can then pass on to Openreach.
Inlands Farm- The Inspector would be completing a site visit on Friday 17th September.
Ward Cllr Sumner reported that investigators were continuing.
Ward Cllr Sumner left the meeting at 8:30pm
(a) To approve payment of the following invoices:
• HMRC- Tax Month 05- £41.80
Resolved: Cllr Bunney proposed approval of the invoices, the standing order, recurring payment and
ratification of the payments made between meetings. Cllr Hyatt seconded the proposal and was
unanimously agreed.
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(b) To approve payment of the following Standing Orders:
• Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract – August instalment – £526.34
• Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract – September instalment- £526.34
Resolved: Cllr Bunney proposed approval of the invoices, the standing order, recurring payment and
ratification of the payments made between meetings. Cllr Hyatt seconded the proposal and was
unanimously agreed.
(c) To approve the following Direct Debits:
• Microsoft 365 Annual renewal- £59.99
• Three Mobile phone bill – £3.00
• CPRE Annual subscription- £36.00
• Three Mobile phone bill – £3.00
(d) To approve payment of the following recurring payment
• Unlimited webhosting – (18/07/2021 – 17/08/2021) – £4.50
• Unlimited webhosting – (18/08/2021- 17/09/2021) – £4.50
(e) To ratify payments made between meetings
• Salaries July- £167.00
• Auditing Solutions Ltd- £186.00
• Adam & Watts- Joel Joffe Posts- £216.00
• HMRC Month 04 (July) – £41.80
• Swindon Borough Council- Election Costs- £90.00
• Adams & Watt Ltd- Handrail repair – £176.40
• Salaries August- £167.00
(f) To receive the monthly accounts reconciliation
Resolved: The meeting noted that the accounts were in a healthy position.
• Tree Spinney Close – Awaiting a quote from the contractor
• Platform at Liddington Monument- A member of Historic England would be visiting
the site to advise, Cllr Wilson raised concerns as cattle were grazing in the field and
this should be raised with Historic England also.
• Joel Joffe Way Update – Swindon Borough Council has approved and renamed
footpath LN23 Joel Joffe Way.
• Joel Joffe Memorial Update – The piece of work celebrating the life of Lord Joffe is
now at the printers and is being framed next week ready for the unveiling ceremony
being held on 9
th October. Over 40 attendance replies have been received. Should
any Councillors think of any particular points that need to be addressed for day of
the ceremony, to contact Cllr Lomax.
• Update on second Defibrillator and to discuss whether a training day on how to use
the defibrillator should be arranged and to consider trying to recruit Respondents –
The second defibrillator is now fully operational, and all Councillors agreed that a
training day be arranged. Clerk to contact Community Heartbeat Trust. ActionClerk
The village only has one respondent should the defibrillators need to be used, need
to recruit more respondents by putting an article in the Lyden Action- Clerk
• Speed Sign update – Matter discussed in item 8
Councillors who have attended meetings on behalf of the Parish Council or who are responsible for
local schemes, amenities and projects will have the opportunity to provide an update on progress
Allotments (LH) – Cllr Hyatt has arranged 2 weekends in October 16th & 17th and the 23rd & 24th for an
allotment clean up. Cllr Hyatt had also spoken to the contractor who quoted £250 + VAT to flail the
Resolved: The meeting agreed to proceed with the quote provided.
Playing Field (CB) – Still awaiting Kompan to carry out the replacing of the swings cross member and
still awaiting the replacement parts for the baby swing.
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Village Hall Committee (SH) – The Village Hall received record number of bookings for August and
Town Fund Board (GW) – The next meeting is being held on Friday 17th September where the
proposal to not go ahead with the Brunel Market proposal and instead put the money towards other
items to develop within the town. Proposals are being put forward for the Carriage Works and
Swindon Area Committee (DL & GW) – No update provided
The Chairman reminded the meeting that at its August 2020 meeting it had agreed to instruct
solicitors to negotiate the terms of the proposed Lease with the firm acting for the diocese of Bristol;
and that at its December 2020 meeting it had agreed that a sum representing the fees of the diocesan
solicitors be deposited with the Council’s solicitors to enable the latter to give a professional obligation
to pay the Landlord’s fees.
There was produced to the meeting a counterpart of the agreed Lease which was ready for execution.
a) Signing of Lease
Resolved: The Lease was signed by Cllr Bunney and Cllr Hyatt. Cllr Lomax as the witness.
b) Signing of Resolution
Resolved: 1 -That Councillors Bunney and Hyatt be authorised to execute the counterpart Lease on
behalf of this Parish Council.
2 -That the solicitors instructed herein to act on behalf of this Parish Council be authorised to
complete the Lease at the earliest opportunity.
3 -That the solicitors be authorised to release to the Diocesan solicitors their fees as previously
estimated and on receipt of a suitable invoice or copy invoice.
4 -That the fees as estimated and reasonable disbursements of the Council’s solicitors be paid. And
5 -That the Clerk’s actions in authorising a member of the Council’s solicitors to make a statutory
declaration on behalf of this Parish Council (regarding exclusion of certain provisions of the Landlord
& Tenant Act 1954 as amended) be approved.
Resolved: Was discussed under item 10
The meeting had already agreed the input, via email, due to the meeting being held later.
The meeting noted that no correspondence had been received.
Future agenda items were raised as;
• Allotments
• Anti-Social Behavior
• Churchyard
• Playing Field
The meeting closed at 9:20pm