
Minutes from meeting June 2022

Minutes 2022 Uploaded on January 26, 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on
Wednesday 1st June 2022 at 7pm in the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Aftelak, Bunney, Hyatt, Lomax (Chair) and Wilson.
Also present: Laura Evans (Clerk) and three Members of the public.
Resolved: To approve Cllr Hill’s reason for absence (Unavailable).
Three residents were in attendance.
Gigabit Fibre- A resident enquired as to what stage the Gigabit Fibre was in currently. Cllr Wilson explained that
Ward Cllr Gary Sumner had provided an update and unfortunately there is a 2-month delay on the project for phase
1, Ward Cllr Gary Sumner is meeting with Openreach next week and suggested the resident email their concerns
directly to Ward Cllr Gary Sumner.
Churchyard Grass Cutting- The Church Warden sent a letter to Cllr Lomax but this was not received in time to add
as an agenda item for this meeting. The question was asked if Liddington Parish Council would be willing to
contribute to the new contract for the grass cutting for the Church yard, Cllr Lomax asked how the money had been
provided to pay the contractor over the years and it was confirmed that this was paid from the Legacy Fund for the
last 10 years but this is now running low. The fundraising committee are doing a brilliant job raising funds but this is
allocated towards a new door that is required for the Church. The question was asked if LPC contribute to the Lyden
Magazine, as stated on the website, Cllr Lomax explained that this is badly worded, by contributing it was meant that
an article is submitted and not that LPC contribute money towards the Lyden Magazine.
The meeting agreed that the Churchyard Grass Cutting Contribution be added to July’s agenda. The Church
Warden to send the Financial Figures to LPC before the July meeting. ActionClerk
The Church would also like LPC to write to Adams & Watt to thank them for the good grass cut. Action-Clerk
Cllr Hyatt declared an interest as an allotment holder.
Resolved: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 4
th May 2022 were approved and signed as a true
Football Club Contract – The Clerk contacted Wanborough Parish Council for further information on the fee’s that
are charged. LPC noted that the pitch that is chargeable has changing facilities, toilets etc which Liddington Playing
field does not. After some discussion the meeting agreed to not charge for use of the football pitch, but to still draft a
contract with all the items discussed amended. Resolved: Cllr Lomax proposed adopting the contract with the
tweaks discussed and removal of payment then circulate to all Cllr’s for approval, this was unanimously agreed.
Action – Cllr Lomax
Defibrillator Signs- Cllr Hyatt contacted a company to make defib signs to place on the playing field gate facing the
field and the company are also producing a ‘No Parking, Private Road’ sign for Church Lane and a replacement dog
fouling sign. The meeting agreed to the colour and sign of the signage. Cllr Hyatt to order all signage.
Action- Cllr Hyatt
Memorial Bench- The information and picture of the Memorial Bench was provided to the Councillors. The bench
was approved. The concrete base was being laid on 4
th June, Clerk to email resident and explain the bench had
been approved and that the date for lying the base was agreed, but to rope the area off to dry due to Jubilee
celebrations taking place on the playing field on the Sunday. Action- Clerk
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(a) To consider any planning applications:
The meeting noted that no planning applications had been received.
(b) To note any decisions:
The meeting noted that no planning decisions had been received.
The Ward Councillor report was sent via email.
Openreach fibre delayed due to Civils and materials issues. Vouchers extended accordingly. Likely to be a couple of
months behind.
Wanborough Road closure and Pack Hill traffic lights. Likely to lead to additional traffic on Purley Road as main
diversion is via Foxhill.
(a) To approve payment of the following invoices:
Resolved: Cllr Bunney proposed approval of the invoices, standing order, recurring payment and ratification of
the payments made between meetings. Cllr Hyatt seconded the proposal and was unanimously agreed.
• HMRC- Tax Month 2- £27.20
• Swindon Local Council Forum – £15.00
• WALC Annual Subscription – £229.57
(b) To approve payment of the following Standing Orders:
• Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract – June instalment- £604.87
(c) To approve the following Direct Debits:
• Three Mobile phone bill – £3.00
(d) To approve payment of the following recurring payments
• Unlimited webhosting – (18/05/2022- 17/06/2022) – £4.50
(e) To ratify payments made between meetings
• Salary May – £185.40
• Creative Solutions – £833.76
(f) To receive the monthly account reconciliation
Resolved: The meeting noted that the accounts were in good order.
To discuss the renewal quote provided for 2022/23
Resolved: Two quotations provided, Community First £1,042.46p and the current insurer Gallagher for £831.40p,
Cllr Aftelak raised the concern that quote provided by Community First covered the Village Hall building and the
current insurer did not. The Clerk explained that the quotation was provided using LPC’s Asset Register, hence the
Village Hall building being included. Cllr Lomax to speak to the Village Hall Committee to confirm who insures the
Village Hall, the Clerk to check all previous insurance documents to see if building cover was included. The meeting
agreed to proceed with insurance from Gallagher for £831.40p as it provided the best cover and to opt into the 3-
year Long Term Agreement. The meeting agreed for the Clerk to pay Gallagher, and should information gathered
find that LPC need to insure the Village Hall then this shall be added to the policy. Action- Clerk
a) Fencing off the play area – Deferred until the next meeting- Cllr Hyatt suggested contacting Webbs Wood
for a quotation. Action- Cllr Wilson
b) The Clump – Cllr Aftelak emailed the landowner of The Clump to confirm that the application form for
funding will be completed over the summer. Action- Cllr’s Hill/Aftelak
c) Speed Sign –Cllr Lomax confirmed that the Solar Speed Sign had been removed and relocated but that a
metal box needs to be purchased to place all the power leads etc into. Three quotations for a Solar
Powered Speed Indicator Device were provided. The concern raised was how the SID would operate in the
winter months due to being run on solar power. Cllr Bunney to gain more information from each company,
then email all Councillors with a recommendation for which Speed Indicator Device to purchase.
Action- Cllr Bunney
d) 20MPH Scheme- Cllr Wilson explained that Ward Cllr Gary Sumner had forwarded a leaflet produced by
Wanborough Parish Council for the 20MPH Scheme, which has now been tailored to Liddington. The
meeting decided to include, on the bottom of the leaflet, some questions on the safety of Purley Road. Cllr
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Wilson to update the leaflet and circulate to all Councillors, this can then be distributed after the Jubilee
weekend. Action- Cllr Wilson
Councillors who have attended meetings on behalf of the Parish Council or who are responsible for local schemes,
amenities and projects will have the opportunity to provide an update on progress made.
Allotments (LH) – Cllr Hyatt showed the meeting a presentation on the progress made at the allotments. There has
been a 50% uptake on the allotment plots. A communal fruit area and sitting area have been made. One allotment
holder requested a plot be used for parking; the meeting agreed that no plots should be used for parking.
Cllr Hyatt presented the rules and regulations for allotment holders to the Council for approval.
Resolved: Cllr Lomax proposed acceptance of the rules and regulations. Cllr Bunney seconded the proposal and
was unanimously agreed.
The meeting wished for the Clerk to write and thank two residents, whose property backs onto the allotments, for the
generous donations they have provided. Action- Clerk
Playing Field (CB) – Cllr Bunney confirmed that the safety inspection had been carried out on 17th May 2022. Cllr
Bunney confirmed that in the next couple of weeks the other bench would be painted; the meeting agreed for it to be
painted green.
Village Hall Committee (SH) – No update provided.
Town Fund Board (GW) – No further updates, meetings now taking place every 3 months.
Swindon Local Council Forum (DL & GW) – Cllr Bunney attended the meeting on behalf of Cllr Lomax and Cllr
Wilson. Plans for what activities Parishes were doing for the Jubilee were discussed. Planning Enforcement was
also discussed and currently there is only one Planning Enforcement Officer at SBC.
The meeting agreed to put the following into the Parish Magazine
• The Full Chairs report – Request that the Lyden Magazine publish the Chair’s report in it’s entirety as LPC
were very disappointed that this was no published.
• Allotments.
The meeting noted that no correspondence had been received.
Liddington Church Yard Grass Cutting
The meeting closed at 9:20pm