
Minutes from meeting April 2021

Minutes 2021 Uploaded on January 26, 2024

Minutes of the virtual meeting held on
Wednesday 7th April 2021 at 7pm via Zoom
Present: Councillors Bunney, Hill, Hyatt, Lomax, Moore and Wilson
Also present: Ward Councillor Gary Sumner, Val Curtis (Clerk) and two Members of the public
Resolved: To approve Cllr Workman’s reason for absence (unavailable)
Cllr Hill declared an interest as the Parish Council’s representative on the Village Hall Committee.
Resolved: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 3
rd March 2021 were agreed as a true record. Due to the
social distancing guidelines, the agreed minutes will be signed at the next face to face meeting
Gigabyte Fibre – Cllr Moore believes that there would be significant take up if Medbourne Lane and Church Road
could be included in the current offering.
Trough – As no volunteers had come forward, it was questioned as to whether it should be moved. Cllr Wilson
confirmed that it was currently full of flowers. He believed that minimum maintenance was required other than new
plants if needed in early summer and regular watering. Cllr Wilson to approach a local resident that may be
interested. Action – Cllr Wilson
Defibrillator – Hosting agreement signed by the property owner and the Parish Council and was with Community
Heartbeat Trust for them to sign. Once completed the unit would be ordered. Action – Clerk
Lord Joffe Memorial – Mrs Moore was very pleased with the photographs supplied by Cllr Wilson. The lettering was
now complete and the signposts about to be reconstructed. The Contractor to be asked to remove existing post and
install the two new ones, quote to be requested. Action – Cllr Lomax/Clerk
Liddington Hill Monument – The decking boards to be inspected Action Cllrs Lomax/Bunney
Playing Field – The Police were called to 23 lads playing football. A group of 18–24-year-olds, not local, in adjoining
field had a barbeque and left the rubbish in a bin – Cllr Hill volunteered to clear up what remained. Lots of
paraphernalia, including nitrous oxide canisters, left around in the goal posts area. Several dogs off the lead in and
around the children’s play area.
Village Clean-up to take place on Saturday 10th April.
One Member of the Public confirmed that one of the guard rails around the Liddington Hill Monument has come
away and the decking boards were definitely rotting.
The same member of the public thanked Cllr Sumner for including Church Road and Medbourne Lane in Phase 2 of
the Gigabyte Fibre offering. Cllr Sumner confirmed that BT Openreach engineers currently looking for quick wins to
add to Phase 1.
(a) To consider any planning applications:
Application: S/HOU/21/0374
Location: 9 Lidenbrook, Liddington, SN4 0HL
Proposal: Erection of a single storey rear extension, extension to existing garage, 1 no front dormer
window and 2 no. rear dormer windows
Resolved: Liddington Parish Council has no objections to this planning application
Minutes – April 2021 Page 2 of 3
Application: S/HOU/21/0399
Location: 39 The Street, Liddington, SN4 0HD
Proposal: Demolition of a car port and erection of two storey side and single storey rear extensions
Resolved: Liddington Parish Council has no objections to this planning application
Application: S/21/0422
Location: Local Centre (Parcels LC1 & LC2), Badbury Park Commonhead Swindon
Proposal: Erection of Local Centre, variation of conditions 2 (Approved Drawings) and 11 (Parking) from
previous permission S/17/1956 without compliance with condition 16 (Use Classes of Retail Units).
Resolved: Liddington Parish Council has no objections to this planning application
(b) The Meeting noted the following decisions:
S/20/1482 – Great Western Hospital – Erection of a two-storey building – Granted
S/20/1483 – Great Western Hospital – Retention of a single storey modular building to provide temporary
accommodation for use as a pharmacy during works to urgent treatment centre – Granted
S/20/1484 – Great Western Hospital – Retention of a single storey modular building to provide temporary
accommodation for use as an urgent treatment centre during improvement works – Granted
S/TWC/21/0033/LAND -Millfield House, Bell Lane, Liddington – Works to a tree within a Conservation Area – no
Cllr Wilson voiced concerns over the Highways England notification received regarding the closure of Day House
Lane from 6th April 2021 until the end of October. He stated that to close off access to pedestrians, cyclist and horse
riders seemed unfair. Cllr Sumner confirmed that as it was to fill in a large vehicular hole, it had been planned in the
interests of pedestrian safety. It was part of larger project to turn it into a green route to Coate Water. Cllr Wilson
raised concerns at the lack of consultation with the Parish Council. Cllr Hill suggested introducing a temporary
pedestrian-controlled crossing point to mitigate the inconvenience. Cllr Sumner did not think that Highways England
would consider that as an option.
Inlands Farm: ‘Swindon Science Park’ – appeal submitted and hearing date set for 15th June 2021 – Inquiry to last 3
weeks. Swindon Borough Council has appointed a QC and Cllr Sumner will attend as an Interested Party as well as
SSPG and Wanborough Parish Council, who have agreed broadly the areas that they will speak about so as not to
be repeating each other’s points. Residents that have commented previously do not need to resubmit. Anyone
wanting to attend and speak must have something to add, such as new evidence or information.
Gigabit Fibre: The Wanborough/Liddington Scheme reached £768,500 confirmed pledges with another £78,000
issued but not confirmed. There were an additional number of false or duplicate pledges. New vouchers cannot be
issued until after April 8
th when the new year of funding commences. Openreach are very pleased with what has
been accomplished during a pandemic and the scheme has already reached sufficient to build but additional funding
is wanted for contingency. They have engineers assessing whether any of the ‘missed areas’ (it’s not just Church Rd
& Medbourne) can be included as quick additions to Phase 1 (main scheme) or brought in as Phase 2 (new
schemes from 8th April). Fortunately DCMS has new year funding. A further meeting with Openreach is planned for
13th April, after which the scheme will be promoted again.
Parking issues 34-38 Purley Road – The subject had already been raised with Cllr Sumner and a response sent to
residents. If someone parks obstructing a driveway entrance, then residents (and ONLY the resident affected) can
report to SBC for parking enforcement officers to attend. Parking in the bus stop is already illegal and can be
reported. The area of hardstanding in question is not highway and connects between two driveways and is used by
residents as an alternative if someone is in the bus stop and blocking their driveway. If reported (by residents) that
this is blocked (at the same time as their normal access is blocked), then they may report to SBC. Traffic
enforcement officers visited at the request of Robert Buckland as part of a joint response on this and no cars were
found to be blocking access points when they visited. The resident has been provided with a number to call parking
Highways – Additional patching works carried out in The Street, potholes reported on Purley Road uphill from The
Street up to and across M4. The Speed Indicator Device was providing fantastic information and questions had been
asked about what action will be taken. Cllr Sumner would also ask where Swindon Borough Council were with the
suggestion of moving the crossing point.
(a) To approve payment of the following invoices:
• Swindon Borough Council – Highway licence – £125.00 – no reply received from Swindon Borough
Council in response to the email to dispute the charge, remains unpaid
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Resolved: Cllr Moore proposed approval of the invoices, the standing order, recurring payment and ratification of
the payment made between meetings. Cllr Hyatt seconded the proposal and was unanimously agreed.
• Adams & Watt annual contract 2021/22 to be paid by 12 equal instalments by standing order –
• Wiltshire Association of Local Councils – annual subscription 2021/22 – £215.83
(b) To approve payment of the following Standing Orders:
• Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract – April instalment – £526.34
(c) To approve the following Direct Debits:
(d) To approve payment of the following recurring payment
• Unlimited webhosting – (18/04/2021 – 17/05/2021) – £4.19
(e) To ratify payments made between meetings
• Zoom – Standard pro monthly (April) – £14.39
(f) To receive the end of year account summary for financial year 2020/21 – The Meeting noted that the
accounts were close to the annual budget. The Clerk confirmed that the reclaim for £1,309 VAT had been
submitted to HMRC.
(g) Appointment of internal auditor – to agree appointment of Auditing Solutions as the Internal Auditor for
financial year 2020/19 – Approved
(a) Swings – in response to the possible concern raised during the annual safety inspection and the
subsequent advice provided by the Contractor, an agreement needs to be reached for the action to be
taken. See attached document and quote.
Cllrs Lomax and Bunney to take a closer look. If they believe that there is not a problem with the wood, the survey
will be done. If there is clear evidence of rot, alternatives to be investigated.
Allotments – Cllr Moore confirmed that there was very little to report as only limited progress had been made. The
draft lease is now with the Diocese’ Solicitors, with comments, no response received to date
Playing Field – Cllr Bunney confirmed that the fortnightly safety inspections of the play equipment had been carried
out on 13th and 27th March. Cllr Bunney to send photographs of the baby swing to enable purchase of the
replacement part. Action – Cllr Bunney/Clerk
He confirmed that the playing field was being used by lots of people now, with numerous dogs off the lead. The top
soil used for temporary repair of the goal mouths was holding up well.
Town Fund Board – Cllr Wilson confirmed that the last meeting had been held on 5th March 2021. Swindon had been
awarded £19.5m for town fund assessment. The only item not to succeed was the work on the David Murray John
building. A project delivery and performance project sub-group had been set up, which Cllr Wilson had joined, to
look at business case development and ensure projects are run properly.
Swindon Area Committee – Swindon Borough Council/Parish Charter was to be reviewed. It was noted that a poor
level of support was being experienced regularly by Parish Councils from SBC.
The Meeting agreed to put the following into Parish Magazine:
• The Chairman’s Annual report 2020/21
• Election result and the Parish Council Vacancy
• Full details for the next meeting
The Meeting noted that no correspondence had been received.
The next meeting to be held on Monday 24th May at 7pm in the Village Hall at 7pm. Due to the roadmap for social
distancing measures to be lifted, Members of the Public will not be encouraged to attend as numbers need to be
The meeting closed at 9.15pm
Signed………………………………………………. Date………………………………