
Minutes April 2024

Minutes 2024 Uploaded on April 11, 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 3rd April 2024 at 6:30pm in the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Aftelak, Bunney (Chair) and Wilson
Also present: Laura Evans (Clerk)
Resolved: To approve Cllr Poppleton reason for absence (unavailable), Cllr Sturgess reason for absence
(unavailable) and Ward Cllr G Sumner reason for absence (prior engagement).
Cllr Bunney reminded Members that at the start of the meeting they should declare any known interests in any
matter to be considered, and during the meeting if it comes apparent that they have an interest in the matters being
Resolved: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 7
th February 2024 were approved and signed as a true
Minutes of the meeting not being quorate and being postponed on 6th March 2024 were approved and signed.
Football Parking – continuing action – Cllr Bunney to source a sign stating “No football traffic beyond this point”
which can be placed at the end of Church Road for football matches. The football club will be responsible for
ensuring the sign is placed out on match days. Action- Cllr Bunney
Medbourne Lane- continuing action – landslips in Medbourne Lane which resulted in residents being unable to
leave and if anything could be done to prevent these happening again. The banks have become unstable which is
very dangerous. The clerk has reported this to SBC but no response has been received. Clerk to keep as an agenda
item. Action- Clerk website – Continuing action – Cllr Poppleton to contact the current administrator of the site to
understand how it will proceed going forward, with ownership and updating of the site. LPC to review in six months.
Action- Cllr Poppleton
CEO of Great Western Hospital – Continuing action -The meeting agreed to invite the current CEO of GWH to the
next meeting. The clerk tried to find contact details but was unsuccessful. Action- Cllr Bunney
Road sign – continuing action – Clerk reported to SBC that the road sign on the left hand side of Purley Road,
before the motorway bridge has fallen/been knocked over. No further action has been taken.
Action- Clerk
As no members of the public were in attendance or had made representations, the Parish Council continued with the
No report was provided.
(a) To consider any planning applications:
Application: S/OUT/23/0456 (15th March 2024)
Location: Land East Of Wanborough Road , New Eastern Villages Wanborough
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Proposal: Outline planning permission for up to 275 dwellings (use class C3) including the provision of
affordable homes, together with pedestrian and cycle connections, landscaping, surface water drainage,
open space to include play areas, allotments and other supporting infrastructure (including utilities) and
engineering works including groundworks; removal of structures and demolition; with all matters
reserved except for the formation of accessesfrom the Southern Connector Road and Wanborough
Clerk to contact Wanborough PC to understand their view on the application.
(b) To note any comments submitted between meetings:
Application: S/24/0014
Location: Land Off Commonhead Roundabout, Purley Road Swindon SN4 0HA
Proposal: Development of a Bio-CNG vehicle fuelling station comprising fuel pump islands, plant
compound, widened access, landscaping and associated development.
Resolved: The meeting submitted the following comment;
Liddington Parish Council has reviewed the above planning application that was received by us on 29th
January 2024.
Whilst we support the need to move towards a cleaner environment and reduce our dependency on
fossil fuels, we are concerned that the negative impact of this proposed development outweighs the
benefits and do not support it. Specifically,
• Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) – The proposed location has been designated an AONB for
a reason. AONB designation should offer protection against this development
• Access – Proposed access to the site will be via the Purley Road. To enter the site, HGV’s will have to
turn across oncoming traffic. This is not only dangerous but is likely to lead to queues tailing back to the
Commonhead Roundabout at peak times which will further disrupt the traffic flow on the A419 and
associated roads
• Flooding – The proposed location is prone to flooding. Also, water often lies on the Purley Road near
the proposed entrance to the site requiring cars going north-west down the Purley Road to go onto the
south-east bound carriage to avoid the water. This will be a dangerous arrangement if there are HGVs
trying to cross the traffic at this point
• Traffic – We see that the traffic analysis submitted to support the application was conducted during a
single week in September 2023. If it had been conducted over a longer period of time, and during one of
the 5 or 6 recent closures of the M4, you would have seen the utter chaos on the Purley Road as it is
used as an alternative to the M4. The proposed development will exacerbate an already unacceptable
• Pollution – Whilst the application talks at length about the proposed mitigation for pollution, there is no
doubt that there will be air, light, noise and visual pollution of the environment.
We also see that many alternative sites have been considered and disregarded for various reasons. We
find it impossible to believe that there isn’t a suitable brownfield site that would avoid the destruction of
the countryside. Indeed, there is a large service station development planned at junction 16 of the M4.
Wouldn’t this make a far better location for this development?
Please consider this input as part of your decision making process. We believe it provides compelling
rationale for rejecting the proposed application.
(c) To note any decisions:
Application: S/HOU/23/1215 and S/LBC/23/1058
Location: The Old Rectory, Church Road Liddington Swindon SN4 0HB
Proposal: Erection of greenhouse within new walled garden, creation of sunken garden, creation of
formal gardens within existing garden and the removal of 2no. trees (amendments to S/HOU/22/1634)-
Application: S/HOU/23/1213 and S/LBC/23/1051
Location: The Old Rectory, Church Road Liddington Swindon SN4 0HB
Proposal: Demolition of existing tennis court and metal fencing surround, erection of single storey
orangery to northeast elevation of house, alterations to existing lean-to on northwest elevation of house
(replacement windows and door, part re-roof, addition of glazed roof section), and erection of detached
timber-framed cartshed (amendments to S/HOU/22/1101). – Granted.
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(a) To approve payment of the following invoices:
Resolved: Cllr Aftelak proposed approval of the invoices, standing order, recurring payment and ratification of the
payments made between meetings. Cllr Wilson seconded the proposal and was unanimously agreed.
• HMRC- Tax Month 12 – £52.20
• Adams & Watt annual contract 2024/25 to be paid by 12 equal instalments by standing order- £8910.60
• Swindon Local Councils Forum- Annual subscription – £15.00
• Adams & Watt Ltd – Additional works as identified on the walkaround – £1,261.68
(b) To approve payment of the following Standing Orders:
• Adams & Watt – £742.55
(c) To approve the following Direct Debits:
• Three Mobile phone bill – £3.00
(d) To approve payment of the following recurring payments
• Unlimited webhosting – (18/03/2024- 17/04/2024) – £5.99
(e) To ratify payments made between meetings
• Salary February – £209.00
• Salary March – £209.00
• Kompan – £99.37 – new swing cradle
• HMRC- Tax Month 11 – £52.20
• Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract – February instalment- £665.36
• Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract -March instalment – £665.36
• Three Mobile Phone bill – £3.00
• Unlimited webhosting – (18/02/2024- 17/03/2024) – £5.99
• Liddington Village Hall – Hall hire- £51.00
• Wilts & Berks Canal Trust- Annual Membership – £25.00
(f) To receive the monthly account reconciliation.
Resolved: The meeting noted the accounts were in good order.
(g) To review and approve Q4 Budget Monitoring.
Resolved: The meeting reviewed and approved Q4 Budget Monitoring.
(h) End of Year Bank Reconciliation
Resolved: The end of year bank reconciliation for 2023/24 was approved and signed by the Chair and RFO
(i) To review and approve Asset Register as at 31st March 2024
Resolved: The meeting approved the Asset Register, with the amendments that were raised actioned.
(j) To review and approve Liddington Parish Council Risk Management
Resolved: The meeting approved and adopted the Risk Management document.
(k) Annual increase in Clerks Payscale point from SCP 9 to SCP 10
Resolved: The meeting agreed to the annual increase in the Clerks payScale from SCP9 to SCP 10
To agree appointment of Auditing Solutions as the Internal Auditor for financial year 2023/24
Resolved: The meeting agreed to appointment Auditing Solutions as the Internal Auditor for the financial year
Resolved: The meeting agreed to continue to hold the meetings on the first Wednesday of the month.
The meeting dates will be published on the website. Action- Clerk
Item deferred until the next meeting
Resolved: The meeting noted receipt of the Parish Harmonisation Order, and understood that Liddington Parish
Council is not subject to an Election this year. The next Election will take place in 2026.
To review, approve and adopt version 3 of the Standing Orders
Resolved: The meeting reviewed, approved and adopted version 3 of the Standing Orders.
a) Village Flyer- To discuss what is to be included in the flyer for residents of LPC.
Resolved: The meeting agreed for the following to be placed in a flyer which will be distributed to those
residents in Badbury Park;
• Cllr Vacancies
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• Allotments
• Feedback on improvements in the area
• Website address
Cllr Aftelak to draft the leaflet and circulate to all Cllr’s for feedback. Action- Cllr Aftelak
b) Traffic calming on B4192
Recently there has been a lot of talk on the Liddington Whatsapp group regarding the tanker that is parked
on Purley Road slowing the traffic. The meeting confirmed that traffic calming on the B4192 has been
brought to the attention of Ward Cllr G Sumner who has had this on the list of Ward improvements for
numerous years but this has not yet been progressed by SBC.
To discuss an increase for allotment plot rental
Cllr Poppleton, due to absence, sent an email to all Cllr’s prior to the meeting recommending a 10% increase on the
rental which equates to a £2 or £4 a year increase depending on plot size. The prices were not increased last year
and now LPC are looking to provide water on site, making this a reasonable increase.
Resolved: The meeting agreed to the proposed 10% increase on allotment plot rentals. Clerk to issue invoices.
Action- Clerk
Councillors who have attended meetings on behalf of the Parish Council or who are responsible for local schemes,
amenities and projects will have the opportunity to provide an update on progress made.
Allotments (AP & GW) – In Cllr Poppleton absence Cllr Bunney gave an update. The water collection system is
proceeding by being partly funded by the Council and partly by generous donations from a couple of individuals. The
meeting wished to thank the committee team working on the project.
Playing Field (CB) – Cllr Bunney inspected the play equipment on 26th March 2024, where it was noted that one of
the bouncer seats, which is made from plywood, has been broken. The Clerk contacted Kompan for a replacement
part and was quoted £679.29p. The meeting requested that the Clerk contact Kompan to ask for a quote for a new
bouncer to be able to understand which is better value. In the meantime, Cllr Bunney to make safe the equipment.
The play equipment needs cleaning. Action- Clerk/ Cllr Bunney
Village Hall Committee (JS) – No update provided due to Cllr Sturgess’s absence.
Town Advisory Engagement Group (GW) – No recent meeting, but Cllr Wilson explained that they are currently
deciding whether there is a need for the Town Advisory Engagement Group now all the projects are underway.
Swindon Local Council Forum (CB & GW) – No recent meeting has taken place.
Parish Chairs/Clerks Engagement Meeting – No recent meeting has taken place.
NEV Meeting – No recent meeting has taken place – Clerk to remove from the agenda due to no meetings being
held for over three years.
Village Clean Up – As no village clean up was held in March due to the weather, the meeting agreed the next
village clean up be held on 11th May 2024 meeting at Jubliee Gardens at 9:30am, with coffee/ tea and bacon rolls on
offer for those who have helped with the cleanup.
The meeting agreed to put the following in the Parish Magazine;
• Village clean up 11th May 2024 at 9:30am
• Feedback for improvements in the Parish
• Damaged play equipment
• Allotment plots availability & water provision
• Direction to the website and minutes for further information.
The meeting noted that no correspondence had been received.
To receive information on matters not covered elsewhere & to receive future agenda item
• website update
• Lyden Magazine
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The meeting closed at 8:13pm