
Minutes Meeting of May 2024

MinutesMinutes 2024 Uploaded on May 9, 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 1st May 2024 at 6:30pm in the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Aftelak, Bunney (Chair), Poppleton and Sturgess
Also present: Laura Evans (Clerk
Resolved: Cllr Poppleton proposed Cllr Bunney as Chair. Cllr Aftelak seconded the proposal and was unanimously
agreed. The Chairs Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed and received.
Resolved: Cllr Sturgess proposed Cllr Poppleton as Vice Chair. Cllr Aftelak seconded the proposal and was
unanimously agreed. The Vice Chairs Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed and received.
Resolved: To approve Cllr Wilson reason for absence (unavailable) and Ward Cllr G Sumner reason for absence
(prior engagement).
Cllr Poppleton declared an interest as Treasurer for All Saint’s Church and Cllr Sturgess as the Council’s
representative on the Village Hall Committee.
Resolved: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 3
rd April were approved and signed as a true record.
Football Parking- No further complaints have been received regarding the football club’s parking. This matter is
now resolved.
Medbourne Lane- continuing action – landslips in Medbourne Lane which resulted in residents being unable to
leave and if anything could be done to prevent these happening again. The banks have become unstable which is
very dangerous. The clerk has reported this to SBC but no response has been received due to SBC’s Parish Liaison
Officer being seconded. Clerk to keep as an agenda item.
Road sign – continuing action – Clerk reported to SBC that the road sign on the left-hand side of Purley Road,
before the motorway bridge has fallen/been knocked over. No further action has been taken.
Action- Clerk
Village Flyer- Cllr Aftelak drafted a flyer and circulated to all Cllr’s for feedback but no responses were received.
The flyer was shown to the Cllr’s and the layout and design was approved. Cllr Aftelak will update the flyer after the
Village Clean up day ready for distribution in the month of May. The meeting agreed that a second edition of the flyer
to be produced in the Autumn. Cllr Aftelak to obtain two quotations for printing copies and a cost for printing at home
and to bring to the next meeting for the Full Council to make a decision. Action- Cllr Aftelak
Play Equipment, Crazy Daisy – The Clerk contacted Kompan for a replacement part and was quoted £679.
29p.The Clerk contact Kompan to ask for a quote for a new bouncer (Crazy Daisy) to be able to understand which is
better value, the quotation was for £1,162.80p.
The meeting agreed to place an article in the Lyden asking residents what piece of new equipment they would want
to see in the playpark, the Clerk to then get quotations for any items suggested and bring to the Full Council for a
decision. Action- Clerk
CEO of Great Western Hospital-The meeting agreed to invite the current CEO of GWH to the next meeting. It has
been confirmed that the CEO will attend the LPC meeting being held on 3
rd July 2024.
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As no members of the public were in attendance or had made representations, the Parish Council continued with the
In the Ward Cllr’s absence an email was received stating that Ward Cllr G Sumner had also submitted a comment
on the Bio-gas application S/EIA/24/0412 stating that an EIA is still required
(a) To consider any planning applications:
The meeting noted that no applications had been received.
(b) To note any comments submitted between meetings:
Application: S/EIA/24/0412
Location: Land Off Commonhead Roundabout, Purley Road Liddington Swindon SN4 0HA
Proposal: Request for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Opinion for.
Resolved: The combination of the two previous comments made regarding the application were
resubmitted (see below)
Liddington Parish Council feel the environmental impact has not been considered after reading the
documents for the above and that this does require a full EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) to be
The following needs to be fully considered;
• Pollution- Air, noise and light
• The flood zone
• AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) – concerned that this sets a precedence for building
with an AONB.
Whilst we support the need to move towards a cleaner environment and reduce our dependency on fossil
fuels, we are concerned that the negative impact of this proposed development outweighs the benefits and
do not support it. Specifically,
• Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) – The proposed location has been designated an
AONB for a reason. AONB designation should offer protection against this development
• Access – Proposed access to the site will be via the Purley Road. To enter the site, HGV’s will
have to turn across oncoming traffic. This is not only dangerous but is likely to lead to queues tailing
back to the Commonhead Roundabout at peak times which will further disrupt the traffic flow on the
A419 and associated roads
• Flooding – The proposed location is prone to flooding. Also, water often lies on the Purley Road
near the proposed entrance to the site requiring cars going north-west down the Purley Road to go
onto the south-east bound carriage to avoid the water. This will be a dangerous arrangement if
there are HGVs trying to cross the traffic at this point
• Traffic – We see that the traffic analysis submitted to support the application was conducted during
a single week in September 2023. If it had been conducted over a longer period of time, and during
one of the 5 or 6 recent closures of the M4, you would have seen the utter chaos on the Purley
Road as it is used as an alternative to the M4. The proposed development will exacerbate an
already unacceptable situation.
• Pollution – Whilst the application talks at length about the proposed mitigation for pollution, there is
no doubt that there will be air, light, noise and visual pollution of the environment.
We also see that many alternative sites have been considered and disregarded for various reasons. We
find it impossible to believe that there isn’t a suitable brownfield site that would avoid the destruction of the
countryside. Indeed, there is a large service station development planned at junction 16 of the M4.
Wouldn’t this make a far better location for this development?
Please consider this input as part of your decision-making process. We believe it provides compelling
rationale for rejecting the proposed application.
(c) To note any decisions:
The meeting noted that no decisions had been received.
(a) To approve payment of the following invoices:
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Resolved: Cllr Poppleton proposed approval of the invoices, standing order, recurring payment and ratification of
the payments made between meetings. Cllr Aftelak seconded the proposal and was unanimously agreed
• HMRC- Tax Month 01 – £53.00
• Clerks Expenses- Paper &Folders- £23.11
• Wiltshire Association of Local Councils -Annual Subscription- £283.15
(b) To approve payment of the following Standing Orders:
• Adams & Watt May Installment – £742.55
(c) To approve the following Direct Debits:
• Three Mobile phone bill – £3.00
(d) To approve payment of the following recurring payments
• Unlimited webhosting – (18/04/2024- 17/05/2024) – £5.99
(e) To ratify payments made between meetings
• Salary April – £212.60
(f) To receive the monthly account reconciliation.
Resolved: The meeting noted the accounts were in good order.
(g) To review, agree and approve the final budget for 2024//25
Resolved: The meeting agreed and approved the final budget for 2024/25
(h) To formally agree amounts to be identified as Earmarked reserves for 2023/24, Projects and
Resolved: The meeting agreed that the following amounts be identified as;
General Reserves be set at £18,280
Election Cost Accrual £2,175
CiL/S106 monies- £12,815
Projects- £5,000
To discuss the Insurance renewal for 2024-25
The Insurance renewal for 2024-25 from Gallagher was circulated to all Cllr’s prior to the meeting.
Resolved: The meeting approved the acceptance of the Insurance Renewal and for payment of £890.42 to be
made. The meeting noted that the Long-Term Agreement with Gallagher comes to an end on 31st May 2025.
It was resolved to approve and sign;
a) Annual Governance Statement 2023/24
b) Accounting Statement 2023/24
c) To confirm period of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance & Accountability Return
The meeting noted that the period of Public Rights would commence on Monday 3rd June through to Friday
12th July 2024.
a) Liddington Parish Council Standing Orders
Resolved: The meeting agreed that the Standing Orders be approved and re-adopted
b) Liddington Parish Council Financial Regulations
Resolved: The meeting agreed that the Financial Regulations be approved and re-adopted. The Clerk
informed the meeting that the Financial Regulations are currently being updated and as soon as the updated
version becomes available, the regulations will be bought to the meeting for approval.
c) Liddington Parish Council Code of Conduct
Resolved: The meeting agreed that the Code Of Conduct be approved and re-adopted.
a) website update- Cllr Poppleton has been talking to residents about the
website and there are a few who are willing to help improve and run the site. The Parish Council are happy
to continue funding this website as it is an asset to the Village but decided that it would be best for the PC to
have nothing to do with the running or management of this site.
b) Badbury Park – management teams request to place a notice on the board stating, “no ball games” (email
from 5
th April 2024) – The meeting agreed to not allow the notice stating “no ball games” in or on the PC
noticeboard as the issue is not a Parish Council matter or decision. Clerk to inform the Management Team
of the PC’s decision. Action- Clerk
c) Request from South Swindon Parish – An email was received from South Swindon Parish requesting the
PC’s blessing to place gateway signage on Marlborough Road in between the Hospital and Homington
Avenue as the location of the sign falls just inside of Liddington Parish boundary.
Resolved: The meeting agreed to allow the gateway signage to be placed inside the Liddington boundary.
d) Quotation for replacement wood for bench on the playing field.
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Resolved: Cllr Bunney has over the years replaced the wood on the benches around the Village, the last
one to be completed is on the playing field. The quotation received for the wood that is needed to replace
the rotting wood is £318 + VAT. The meeting agreed to proceed with the purchase of the wood.
Action- Cllr Bunney
Councillors who have attended meetings on behalf of the Parish Council or who are responsible for local schemes,
amenities and projects will have the opportunity to provide an update on progress made.
Allotments (AP & GW) – A request was received from the new plot holder on plot 13 for a shed and permission to
keep 10 chickens, details of which were circulated to all Cllr’s. The meeting agreed to the requests. The water
provision on the allotment site is developing, with the roof and concrete base now installed. There are two water
tanks at present, but the collection system can hold up to four tanks.
Playing Field (CB) – To discuss the annual playpark inspection report provided by The Play Inspection Company.
Cllr Bunney explained that were two medium risks identified; the crazy daisy needs to be made safe in the meantime
until a replacement piece of equipment is purchased and the up-right struts at the base of the swings need to be
replaced. Cllr Bunney to contact Kompan for the cost of the struts. Action- Cllr Bunney
The majority of the moss on the play equipment has been removed, there are just a few areas to complete, this is
with thanks to Cllr Bunney.
Village Hall Committee (JS) – The AGM is being held on 14th May at 7pm, all residents are invited. There has been
an issue with the boiler, but this has now been resolved. The Summer BBQ is being arranged for 6
th July 2024.
Town Advisory Engagement Group (GW) – No update provided due to Cllr Wilson’s absence.
Swindon Local Council Forum (CB & GW) – Next meeting is being held on 23rd May 2024
Parish Chairs/Clerks Engagement Meeting – No recent meeting. The Clerk attended the Clerk’s Forum with SBC,
the Interim Director of Operations is leading on the Transfer of Services and is hoping to provide more detail of the
scope of services and a timeline that all PC’s are happy with is to be established.
The meeting agreed to put the following in the Parish Magazine;
• GWH, CEO attending 3
rd July
• Suggestions for replacement play equipment
• Clean up day – thank you
• New meeting start times from June 2024
• Part of the Chairs Annual report for 2023-24
The meeting noted that no correspondence had been received.
From June 2024 the meetings of LPC shall start at 7pm due to the hall now being available.
The meeting closed at 8:54pm