
Minutes from the meeting February 2024

Minutes 2024 Uploaded on April 11, 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on
Wednesday 7th February 2024 at 6:30pm in the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Aftelak, Poppleton (Vice Chair), Sturgess and Wilson
Also present: Laura Evans (Clerk), Ward Cllr G Sumner and one member of the public.
Resolved: To approve Cllr Bunney’s reason for absence (unavailable)
Cllr Poppleton declared an interest as Treasurer for All Saint’s Church and Cllr Sturgess as the Council’s
representative on the Village Hall Committee.
Resolved: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 3
rd January 2024 were approved and signed as a true
Football Parking – continuing action – Cllr Bunney to source a sign stating “No football traffic beyond this point”
which can be placed at the end of Church Road for football matches. The football club will be responsible for
ensuring the sign is placed out on match days. Action- Cllr Bunney
Medbourne Lane –Continuing action- The highways team from SBC came and cleared the road and a brilliant job
was carried out but due to further rainfall and the lane being used as a diversion for a day the road is back to its
previous state. Clerk to contact SBC to see if they will attend again. Action- Clerk
Land off Purely Road EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) – Ward Cllr G Sumner submitted a response
encouraging the need for an EIA to be undertaken.
SBC Draft Protocol – Ward Cllr G Sumner confirmed that the discussions with SBC regarding the protocol could
see more services transferred to Parishes which will result in extra costs. Ward Cllr G Sumner confirmed that the
Grounds Maintenance Team at SBC will cease from October 2024.
Ward Cllr G Sumner requested that the Ward Cllr Report agenda item be moved to after the public session.
The resident in attendance raised concerns regarding the big planning application for the Land Off Purley Road and
disappointment that not more residents had attended this evenings meeting to hear more regarding the planning
application and the PC’s response to this.
Meeting start times -The resident also raised concerns over the meetings starting at 6:30pm rather than 7pm as
this could discourage residents from attending due to work commitments. If the meetings were to start at 7pm this
may encourage residents to join the PC.
20MPh Scheme- The resident asked if there was any further update to the scheme. Ward Cllr G Sumner is awaiting
an update from the lead officer at SBC. Purley Road is not to be a 20MPH and will continue as a 30MPH road.
Medbourne Lane- The resident raised concerns over the recent landslips in Medbourne Lane which resulted in
residents being unable to leave and asked if anything could be done to prevent these happening again. The meeting
confirmed this has been reported to SBC. The resident thanked SBC who dealt with clearing the road quickly.
Cllr Aftelak stated that the banks have become unstable which is very dangerous. Action- Clerk to email SBC
Lyden Magazine – The resident wished to see more from LPC in the Lyden Magazine and encouraged the PC to
share all the good work that is carried out by the PC.
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(a) To consider any planning applications:
Application: S/24/0014 (19th February)
Proposal: Development of a Bio-CNG vehicle fuelling station comprising fuel pump islands, plant
compound, widened access, landscaping and associated development
Location: Land Off Commonhead Roundabout, Purley Road Swindon SN4 0HA
Resolved: The meeting agreed that a letter of objection be drafted and then submitted with the Full
Council’s approval. Action- Cllr Poppleton
Ward Cllr G Sumner to share his objection letter for the above application with LPC.
Ward Cllr G Sumner left the meeting at 7:13pm
(b) To note any comments submitted between meetings:
The meeting noted that no comments had been submitted.
(c) To note any decisions:
The meeting noted that no decisions had been received.
(a) To approve payment of the following invoices:
Resolved: Cllr Aftelak proposed approval of the invoices, standing order, recurring payment and ratification of the
payments made between meetings. Cllr Sturgess seconded the proposal and was unanimously agreed.
• HMRC- Tax Month 10 – £52.20
(b) To approve payment of the following Standing Orders:
• Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract – January instalment- £665.36
(c) To approve the following Direct Debits:
• Three Mobile phone bill – £3.00
(d) To approve payment of the following recurring payments
• Unlimited webhosting – (18/01/2024- 17/02/2024) – £4.79
(e) To ratify payments made between meetings
• Salary January – £209.00
• NetWise- New website intital set up -£1246.80
• Metrosigns – Sign for platform – £105.84
(f) To receive the monthly account reconciliation.
Resolved: The meeting noted that the accounts were in good order.
Resolved: The new website is now live and the Cllr’s new email addresses are
active. The meeting wished to thank Cllr Aftelak and the Clerk for all the hard work in setting up of the new website.
Cllr Aftelak attended the Code of Conduct session held by SBC. She felt this was very useful with examples and
relevant information being shared, one of which was the use of Social Media and residents perception of Cllr’s. Cllr
Aftelak encouraged the Cllr’s to simply respond to any queries by stating when the next Council meeting will be
taking place or to email the Clerk rather than get involved with Whatsapp chats etc. Cllr’s should avoid expressing
opinions on social media.
Cllr Aftelak encouraged the Cllr’s to attend the next available training session.
Cllr Poppleton stated that this is a good reminder of what Cllr’s should and should not do.
To discuss the consultation inviting proposals for new council ward and ward boundaries for Swindon Borough
Council – see attached
Resolved: The meeting agreed that there were no comments to make on the consultation.
a) Website – to consider the PC continuing to pay for the site.
The meeting noted that there had been issues accessing and viewing the site. The Clerk
emailed the current administrator of the site to bring this to their attention but no response had been
received. Cllr Poppleton to speak to the administrator to fix this problem. Action- Cllr Poppleton
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Resolved: The meeting agreed to continue to pay for the site but LPC needs to understand how it will
proceed going forward, with ownership and updating of the site. LPC to review in six months.
Cllr Aftelak reported the barbed wire fence on the way to the Dell from the Church was not the property of
the farmer as originally thought and has been temporarily fixed by some residents. The gate into the field
towards the Ridgeway that was impossible to lift back onto its catch has had a rope attached to ensure the
gate can be closed as there are horses in the field – same residents who had seen to the fence. The fallen
tree on the footpath leading from the Dell towards the farm track is known to the farmer and will be dealt
LPC wished for the Clerk to email and thank the owner of The Manor for the swift response and removal of
the tree blocking the Joel Joffe footpath. Action- Clerk
Councillors who have attended meetings on behalf of the Parish Council or who are responsible for local schemes,
amenities and projects will have the opportunity to provide an update on progress made.
Allotments (AP & GW)- An allotment management committee meeting was held 3 weeks ago with water provision
the main topic of conversation. The committee wished to thank LPC for the £500 towards funding the water provision
with the allotment holders keen to fundraise and contribute to the water provision. The water capture facility for the
provision will be marked out shortly. We have also recently welcomed a new plot holder who has paid and signed
the terms and conditions and is eager to get working on the plot.
Playing Field (CB) – In Cllr Bunneys absence the Clerk confirmed that the middle bridge for the cradle seat swing
had broken and a replacement was ordered from Kompan for the price of £99.37.
Village Hall Committee (JS) – Openreach are looking into the feasibility of installing broadband into the hall. A
contractor has been appointed to maintain the ground around the village hall. The next meeting will be held on 7
May 2024.
Town Advisory Engagement Group (GW) – No recent meeting has taken place.
Swindon Local Council Forum (CB & GW) – Cllr Wilson attends the sub group meetings for the protocol to represent
the smaller parishes. The draft protocol and annexes were circulated to Cllrs prior to the meeting ready for comment.
Resolved: The meeting agreed to sign the single page protocol document providing the annexes are removed as
they are not ready to be agreed.
The next SLCF is being held on 15th February 2024 with invitation extended to Clerks.
Parish Chairs/Clerks Engagement Meeting – No recent meeting has taken place.
NEV Meeting – No recent meeting has taken place. Cllr Wilson explained that the CEO of the Great Western
Hospital used to attend the PC meetings once a year as the hospital falls in the LPC boundary. The meeting agreed
to invite the current CEO of GWH to the next meeting. Action – Clerk
The meeting agreed to put the following into the Parish Magazine:
• Allotment News
• Announcement of new Website
• Requests for photos of Liddington for the gallery section on the website
• The excellent job carried out by the Contractor on Spinney Close
• Spot the difference – Trig point
The meeting noted that no correspondence had been received.
Future agenda items
• Village Flyer
• Lyden Magazine
The Grounds Maintenace Contractor had contacted the Clerk to say that the wooden gate that exits from the playing
field to the Church has broken at ground level on the holding post side. The other post was repaired and replaced
by a resident in 2022.
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Resolved: The meeting agreed to contact the resident to see if they were able to repair the post but if they were
unable to the meeting agreed for the Contractor to carry out the necessary work.
Cllr Poppleton reported that the road sign on the left hand side of Purely Road, before the motorway bridge has
fallen/been knocked over. The Clerk to report to SBC. Action- Clerk
The meeting closed at 8:25pm