
Minutes from meeting March 2021

Minutes 2021 Uploaded on January 26, 2024

Minutes of the virtual meeting held on
Wednesday 3rd March 2021 at 7pm via Zoom
Present: Councillors Bunney, Lomax, Moore, Wilson and Workman
Also present: Val Curtis (Clerk) and two Members of the public
Resolved: To approve Cllr Hyatt’s reason for absence (personal). Resolved: To approve Cllr Hill’s reason for
absence (unavailable)
Cllr Lomax reminded Members that at the start of the meeting they should declare any known interests in any matter
to be considered, and during the meeting if it comes apparent that they have an interest in the matters being
Resolved: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 3
rd February 2021 were agreed as a true record. Due to
the social distancing guidelines, the agreed minutes will be signed at the next face to face meeting
Gigabyte Fibre – Cllr Wilson confirmed that a letter had been sent to Robert Buckland MP; to date no response had
been received. Other emails had been sent; disappointingly only automatic replies confirming receipt have been
received. Cllr Moore has also experienced a similar lack of response. When prompted for a reply, it did not move
the matter forward. The article in the last edition of the Lyden Magazine did not make it clear that not all of
Liddington was included in the current offering. Cllr Moore suggested that it was made clear in the next edition of
the Lyden Magazine what the real position is. The Meeting was in full agreement. Action – Cllr Moore/Clerk
Swing – A quote had been received for the cost of the cross member and all fixings necessary. The Contractor to be
asked if he could carry out the replacement in the first instance. Based on his response and any advice the second
option would be to replace the complete unit. Action – Clerk
Flower trough in The Street – No offers of help in the maintenance of the trough had been forthcoming. The Parish
Council to discuss options at the next meeting
Football Pitch – A temporary repair to the goal mouths had been actioned, with full reinstatement to take place at the
end of the season. Wanborough Junior Football Club to cover the costs.
Speed Indicator Device – The information regarding the location of the unit and the overgrown trees provided by the
Tree Officer had been passed to the Highways Officer. A request for the unit to be relocated alongside Hillside
Cottages had been added to the programme of small highways works for consideration.
Litter bin, Spinney Close – In response to the complaint received regarding the amount of dog poo bags being
deposited in the litter bin, it had been relocated away from the houses. The Contractor responsible for the emptying
of the bins was asked to monitor the usage and report.
Defibrillator – The Hosting agreement provided by Community Heartbeat Trust needed to be reviewed with
suggestions of any changes required. Clerk to provide Cllr Moore with copies of the agreements signed by the
Village Hall Committee to assist with the review for the agreement needed for the second unit.
Action – Cllrs Moore/Workman/Clerk
Lord Joffe Memorial – Mrs Moore had raised concerns about the amount of content, as it needs to be contained.
Contact had been made with a professional framing and glazing expert. Costs to be provided at the April meeting.
Finger post – lettering almost completed
Oak Tree – a replacement tree had been planted. The Contractor had not been able to identify an issue with the root
system of the tree that had failed. Careful monitoring of the replacement would take place.
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Cabinet Member Advisory Group (CMAG) – Wanborough Parish Council had agreed to the suggestion of a joint
meeting with Liddington Parish Council to discuss issues that affected both, prior to a CMAG meeting. Wanborough
Parish Council to suggest suitable dates
SBC Standards Procedure & Processes – letter sent, awaiting response
Two Members of the public were in attendance to make the Parish Council aware of the following:
Liddington Hill Monument – the decking boards appeared to be in poor condition and needed some attention
Gigabyte Fibre – it was believed that one property in Medbourne Lane already had fibre installed?
Dog Poo – continued to be a problem in the playing field. It had also been noticed that dog poo was being brought
from domestic properties and placed in the dog bins – was this appropriate use of the public facilities? The Meeting
agreed that this was not acceptable practice, however, it was not possible to stop it. Dog poo could be disposed of
in domestic wheelie bins.
A group of several adults, not adhering to the social distancing guidelines had congregated in the recreation field at
the weekend with loud music playing, which was considered unacceptable. The Meeting advised that the Police
should be informed as only they had the power to be able to disperse them.
(a) To consider any planning applications:
Application: S/LBC/21/0126 (9th March 2021)
Location: Liddington Manor, The Street Liddington SN4 0HD
Proposal: Internal alterations and new external openings
Resolved: Liddington Parish Council has no objections to this application
(b) To note any decisions:
The Meeting noted that no decisions had been received
Inlands Farm – Cllr Moore had attended the latest virtual meeting of the South Swindon Protection Group, when
confirmation had been provided that they would be making representation at the Appeal to the Planning Inspector
against SBC’s refusal to grant permission for the ‘Science Park’ to be built. The appeal was likely to take place in
6/9 months’ time and run for approximately 12 days. The revised Local Plan should be available during the summer
where the site is identified as not appropriate for development.
No Ward Councillor’s report was given as Councillor Sumner was unable to attend the meeting.
(a) To approve payment of the following invoices:
• Swindon Borough Council – Highway licence – £125.00 – This payment was not approved and will
continue to be disputed.
Resolved: Cllr Moore proposed approval of the invoices, the standing order, recurring payment and ratification of the
payment made between meetings. Cllr Lomax seconded the approval and was unanimously agreed.
• Members expenses – wood for finger posts – £54.00
• Wilts & Berks Canal Trust – £25.00
• Adams & Watt – additional works invoice no 3344 – £541.80
• Clerks Remuneration – £622.62
• Clerks administration – £43.75
(b) To approve payment of the following Standing Orders:
• Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract – March instalment – £518.57
(c) To approve the following Direct Debits:
(d) To approve payment of the following recurring payment
• Unlimited webhosting – (18/03/2021 – 17/04/2021) – £4.19
(e) To ratify payments made between meetings
• Zoom – Standard pro monthly (March) – £14.39
(f) To receive the monthly accounts reconciliation – The Meeting noted that the accounts were in a good
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(a) Village clean up
It was agreed that the next Village Clean up would be held on Saturday 10th April, 2021, meeting at Jubilee
Gardens at 9.30 am. Details to be included in the Lyden Magazine Action – Clerk
(b) Gate at entrance to Footpath 21 – to discuss a proposal that has been suggested to replace with the gate
at the other end of the footpath that is never used.
Resolved: Cllr Lomax proposed to move the gate and replace the broken one at the playing field entrance
at a cost of £90 + VAT. Cllr Bunney seconded the proposal, which was approved by a majority verdict with
one against and one abstention. Action – Clerk
(c) Gate to the rear of The Parsonage – to agree to remove, repair or replace – Action had already been taken.
(d) Badbury Park – to consider a request from the residents of Badbury Park that are within the Liddington
boundary, made via the Ward Councillor, to provide a notice board on the green area at the end of
Homington Avenue.
As the suggested siting of the noticeboard was on the boundary with Central Swindon South Parish Council
a request to be made for the provision of a joint one. Action – Clerk
Allotments – Cllr Moore confirmed that the draft document had been reviewed with the Parish Council’s Solicitor and
it was now for him to follow up with the Diocese Solicitor.
Playing Field – Cllr Bunney confirmed that the fortnightly safety inspections had been carried put on 13th and 27th
February. An issue had been identified with one of the baby swing seats, with a temporary repair made. The Clerk
requested that a photo be sent of the part needed to effect a full repair. Action Cllr Bunney/Clerk
Village Hall Committee – As Cllr Hill was unable to attend, no report was provided
Town Fund Board – Cllr Wilson confirmed that the last meeting had been cancelled. The next Meeting was planned
to take place on 5th March
Ridgeway NEV Liaison Meeting – Cllr Moore had tabled a written report, to be attached to these Minutes in the file.
Concerns had been raised about the removal of hedges and trees to allow for construction of the Southern
Connector Road.
The Meeting agreed to put the following in to the Parish Magazine
• Gigabyte Fibre – a clarification
• Parish Council Election – 6
th May 2021
• Village Clean-Up
• Inlands Farm – support for the SSPG
The Meeting noted that no correspondence had been received
To receive information on matters not covered elsewhere & to receive future agenda items
The Meeting closed at 9.05pm
Signed………………………………………………………. Date…………………………………