
Minutes from meeting November 2022

Minutes 2022 Uploaded on January 26, 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on
Wednesday 2nd November 2022 at 7pm in the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Aftelak, Bunney, Lomax (Chair), Murphy and Wilson
Also Present: Laura Evans (Clerk), Ward Cllr G Sumner and one member of the public.
Resolved: To approve Cllr Hyatt’s reason for absence (unavailable).
Cllr Murphy declared an interest as the Parish Council’s representative on the Village Hall Committee and Cllr
Lomax declared an interest in item 10b due to a relative submitting a quotation.
Resolved: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 5
th October 2022 were approved and signed as a true
Speed Indicator Device – Cllr Wilson confirmed that the battery for the SID was not charging correctly. A new battery
has been purchased and will be installed in due course.
Clay Pigeon Shoot – Cllr Aftelak spoke with the Firearms Licensing Department who have confirmed they will be
renewing the shooting club’s licence, despite the concerns raised regarding the footpaths that are used regularly by
walkers. Cllr Aftelak stated that this is not a vendetta against the shoot, a resident was injured by clay pigeon debris.
Ward Cllr G Sumner suggested that contact be made with the Rights of Way Officer at SBC who may be able to
advise on the matter. Action- Cllr Aftelak
Churchyard Gate – The works to fix the gate have been completed. LPC wished to thank Cllr Bunney, A Bunney, G
Hale and S Hayter for a brilliant job done. Clerk to write a letter of thanks to those involved. Action-Clerk
Tree’s – In honour of the late monarch Queen Elizabeth II, LPC wish to plant three tree’s in the village. One location
suggested was Spinney Close. Cllr Murphy to ask the residents of Spinney Close what type of tree would be best for
planting on the green. Action- Cllr Murphy
Noticeboard- The noticeboard has now had the wording amended and is ready for installation at Badbury Park. The
Contractor to install.
Ward Cllr G Sumner is attending a meeting on 24th November 2022 with the Highways Department at SBC. All Ward
Cllr’s have been asked to present projects that need to be done within their Wards. The pedestrian crossing
relocation on Purley Road will be put forward again along with putting cycle markings on Purley road. Medbourne
Lane signage will also be looked at again.
Gigabit Fibre – A new pole is required for Church Road, and The Street Closure Notice is scheduled for February
2023 but Openreach are asking for an early permit so work can commence.
Blocked Drains- These need to be reported via the SBC My Account or via Ward Cllr G Sumner.
Ward Cllr G Sumner left the meeting at 7:25pm
The Member of the public in attendance raised concerns over the recent graffiti and anti-social behaviour taking
place within the Village. The Clerk to email the Neighbourhood Policing Team to raise these concerns and invite the
PCSO to the next meeting to discuss the best way forward. Residents are reminded to be aware and vigilant and to
report any anti-social behaviour to the Police either via 101 or online, the more reports received the better the
intelligence and the more targeted patrols can take place. Action- Clerk
LPC wished to thank Cllr Bunney for his efforts on removing the graffiti.
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(a) To consider any planning applications:
Application: S/COND/22/1461 (10th November)
Location: Land At Marlborough Road, Marlborough Road, Swindon
Proposal: Discharge of Condition 17 of planning permission S/OUT/18/1093NISM Outline consent for
the erection of up to 70 dwellings and associated works – vehicle access from Marlborough Road (not
Resolved: Liddington Parish Council have no objections to this proposal. Any concerns regarding the
original application were submitted.
(b) To note any decisions:
Application: S/HOU/22/1101
Location: The Old Rectory, Church Road Liddington Swindon SN4 0HB
Proposal: Demolition of existing tennis court & metal fencing surround,
erection of single storey orangery to northeast elevation of house, alterations to existing lean-to on northwest elevation of house (replacement windows and door, part re-roof,
addition of glazed roof section), and erection of detached timber-framed cartshed- Granted
(a) To approve payment of the following invoices:
Resolved: Cllr Aftelak proposed approval of the invoices, standing order, recurring payment and ratification of the
payments made between meetings. Cllr Bunney seconded the proposal and was unanimously agreed.
• HMRC- Tax Month 7- £55.20
• Chairs Allowance- £75.00
• Members Expenses- Materials for SID Box -£39.49
• Members Expenses – New Battery- £47.99
(b) To approve payment of the following Standing Orders:
• Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract – September instalment- £604.87
(c) To approve the following Direct Debits:
• Three Mobile phone bill – £3.00
• CPRE- Annual Subscription- £36.00
(d) To approve payment of the following recurring payments
• Unlimited webhosting – (18/10/2022- 17/11/2022) – £4.79
(e) To ratify payments made between meetings
• Salary October including backpay – £297.40
• Members Expenses Paint for bench – £20.00
(f) To receive the monthly account reconciliation
Resolved: The meeting noted that the accounts were in good order. Cllr Lomax suggested looking at moving the
Reserve Account to one with more interest. Cllr Lomax to obtain the details of higher interest accounts.
Action- Cllr Lomax
Resolved: The email received from the Lyden Magazine requesting a contribution for the article was circulated to all
Cllr’s prior to the meeting. 90 households within Liddington pay for the Lyden subscription and expect to see more
printed about Liddington rather than Wanborough. Cllr Aftelak raised concerns that the Lyden’s main goal, as set out
in an email received in 2018 was to raise money for the PCC which is not the purpose of the Parish Council, the
meeting agreed.
Cllr Wilson to draft a response to the request. Action- Cllr Wilson
a) Anti-Social Behaviour – Covered under item 6
b) Liddington Clump – Cannot submit the funding application until the Landowners return the details needed.
The application was circulated to all the Cllrs’ which was unanimously approved. 2 quotations were obtained
for the fixing of the viewing platform, which need to submitted with the application. The preferred and
cheaper quotation Cotswold Drystone were selected by LPC to carry out the works once the funding is
Minutes – November 2022 Page 3 of 3
c) Fallen Tree- A tree, from within a property boundary, has fallen onto the Joel Joffe footpath. The landowner
has been contacted to remove but to date no response has been received nor the tree cleared. The meeting
wished for the Clerk to obtain advice from The Rights of Way Officer at SBC. Action-Clerk
d) Walkabout with Adams and Watt – Cllr Lomax, Wilson and the Clerk attended the annual walkabout with the
Contractor on 1
st November, the following items were discussed;
•Remove kissing gate from the bottom of footpath 21 and move to the top of the playing field, remove the
stye that is currently there, along with the barbed wire that is attached to it and replace with this kissing gate.
The gate part of this needs to be made.
•The gate next to the green entrance gate in the playing field needs adjustment, put a spacer onto the catch
so it latches correctly.
•The top kissing gate after the stye needs to be fixed with some plating.
•Moss clearance- from the steps down to Hillside Cottages, along with the moss on the path to Spinney
Close and on the paths of Spinney Close, and also on Purley Road.
The Contractor will provide quotes for all the works. LPC wish to progress asap with the relocation of the
kissing gate.
Councillors who have attended meetings on behalf of the Parish Council or who are responsible for local schemes,
amenities and projects will have the opportunity to provide an update on progress made.
Allotments (LH) – A set of compost bins have been built on the allotment for communal use by plot holders since the
last meeting and the pruning of the the fruit trees will be under way soon
Playing Field (CB) – Cllr Bunney confirmed that the fortnightly safety inspections had been carried out on 15th
October 2022.
Village Hall Committee (JM) – Attended the meeting held on 17th October regarding the ways to reduce energy
usage at the hall but after some investigation it was discovered that the Village Hall is on a fixed electric price for 2
years. Quotations are being obtained for an extra layer of insulation in the loft and wall cavities. Solar Panels were
also discussed , and quotations being obtained.
Town Advisory Engagement Group (GW) – No update provided as there has not been a recent meeting.
Swindon Local Council Forum (DL & GW) – No update provided as there has not been a recent meeting
Parish Chairs/Clerks Engagement Meeting (DL) – No update provided as there has not been a recent meeting.
NEV Meeting (DL) – Cllr Wilson attended the latest meeting but no major updates were provided.
The meeting agreed to put the following into the Parish Magazine
• Anti-social Behaviour
• Liddington Clump
• Tree’s – preferences and locations, in honor of the late monarch Queen Elizabeth II
The meeting noted that no correspondence had been received.
No items were raised for information or future agenda items.
The meeting closed at 8:53pm