
Minutes from meeting October 2022

Minutes 2022 Uploaded on January 26, 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on
Wednesday 5th October 2022 at 7pm in the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Aftelak, Bunney, Lomax (Chair), and Wilson
Also present: Laura Evans (Clerk), Ward Cllr G Sumner
Resolved: To approve Cllr Hyatt’s reason for absence (unavailable) and Cllr Murphy’s (unavailable)
Cllr Lomax reminded Members at the start of the meeting they should declare any known interests in any matter to
be considered, and during the meeting if it comes apparent that they have an interest in the matters being
Resolved: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 7
th September 2022 were approved and signed as a true
Village Hall Representative – Cllr Lomax contacted the Village Hall Committee and made them aware that Cllr
Murphy will be taking this role.
Speed Indicator Device- Cllr Lomax raised concerns that the batteries are not charging correctly on the SID. Cllr
Wilson to carry out a check on the batteries, if they are found to be faulty then replacements will be needed.
Action- Cllr Wilson
Footpath by play area- Cllr Lomax confirmed to Cllr Aftelak that the footpath that borders the play area is cut twice
year, which is stated in the contract.
Clay Pigeon Shoot- Cllr Aftelak has contacted the Local Police Officers and is awaiting a date to be set for a site
meeting. Another resident has since reported to Cllr Aftelak that on a recent walk there was a long-range incident
with a clay pigeon shoot. The resident heard the shot fall when walking on the footpath. Action- Cllr Aftelak
Churchyard Gate- G Hales has now purchased all the material required to fix the gate. Cllr Bunney stated that the
gate will be removed as it is dangerous, while the work is undertaken which is expected to only last a few days. Cllr
Bunney to place a notice on the gate explaining why it has temporarily been removed. Action- Cllr Bunney
Cllr Lomax proposed that the draft minutes be sent to all Councillors for any comments to be made within 3 days of
receiving after which they will be published. Cllr Bunney seconded the proposal and was unanimously agreed.
Action- All Cllrs
Ward Cllr G Sumner attended the presentation held at the Great Western Hospital regarding their current and future
developments for expansion. Ward Cllr G Sumner to forward the presentation to the Clerk and confirmed this can be
shared in the public domain. Cllr Bunney raised a query as to whether there is enough parking on site at the
hospital. Ward Cllr G Sumner confirmed that GWH do not see parking as an issue due to more online consultations
being held with patients.
Gigabit Fibre- Phase 1 is still ongoing, Phase 2 in Liddington and Badbury is also under way and vouchers in both
Phase 1 and Phase2 are automatically being extended via email.
20MPH Scheme- The vehicle counters are down and will be removed week commencing 10th October. The data will
then be analyzed to see if the areas listed will qualify for a 20MPH scheme.
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Wanborough Road – The road will be re-opened under signals from approximately 7
th November to mid January
2023, to allow residents access to the shops and trade to the local pubs. The road will then close again for
approximately 5 months.
Pack Hill- The works are still ongoing and completion is estimated to be Summer 2023.
Land North of Redlands- The planning application for 248 has been submitted (See agenda item 7a) and Ward Cllr
G Sumner strongly urged the Parish Council to object to this proposal, as he will be, as it will create excess traffic
and the site sits outside the red line boundary agreed.
Ward Cllr G Sumner left the meeting at 7:43pm
As no members of the public were in attendance or had made representations, the Parish Council continued with the
(a) To consider any planning applications:
Application: S/22/1249 (7th October 2022)
Location: Rhodes Farm House, The Street Liddington, SN4 0HD
Proposal: Change of use of part of outbuilding to staff accommodation (use class C3).
Resolved: The meeting agreed that the following comment be submitted;
Liddington Parish Council’s main concern with the application is that access is to remain through the
main gate.
Application: S/22/1331 (28th September)
Location: The Great Western Hospital, Marlborough Road Swindon SN3 6BB
Proposal: Erection of a single storey building to form extension to existing Emergency
Department, re-alignment of Coatside Way, re-provision of ambulance parking, installation of associated
rooftop plant and associated works.
Resolved: Liddington Parish Council have no objections to this proposal.
Application: S/OUT/22/1415 (23rd October)
Location: Land North Of Redlands Farm, Wanborough Road Swindon SN4 0AA
Proposal: A Hybrid Planning Application for a residential development, associated works, infrastructure,
parking, new / retained habitats, and ancillary development to include – full details for the erection of 120
dwellings (Class C3), public open space, a LEAP, landscaping, sustainable drainage, roads, vehicular
access and pedestrian / cycle paths and an outline proposal (Means of Access not reserved) for the
erection of up to 128 dwellings (Class C3), public open space, landscaping, bridge crossings,
safeguarded canal corridor, sustainable drainage, roads, vehicular access and pedestrian / cycle paths.
Resolved: The meeting agreed to submit the following comment;
Liddington Parish Council object to this planning proposal as it goes beyond the boundary of the red line
agreed for the NEV. It will also create excess traffic who will use Wanborough Road through to
Liddington. This application also goes into a well defined non-coalescent area.
(b) To note any decisions:
The meeting noted that no planning decisions received.
To discuss the procedure of the draft minutes- discussed under item 4
Due to the hall being in use from 7pm-7:30pm the meeting agreed that the Public Session of the meeting be held at
7:30pm for those residents who may have trouble using the stairs, should the resident wish to stay and watch the
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remainder of the meeting, then the Clerk is to be notified 48 hours prior to the meeting so arrangements can be
(a) To approve payment of the following invoices:
Resolved: Cllr Lomax proposed approval of the invoices, standing order, recurring payment and ratification
of the payments made between meetings. Cllr Bunney seconded the proposal and was unanimously
• HMRC- Tax Month 6- £27.20
(b) To approve payment of the following Standing Orders:
• Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract – September instalment- £604.87
(c) To approve the following Direct Debits:
• Three Mobile phone bill – £3.00
(d) To approve payment of the following recurring payments
• Unlimited webhosting – (18/09/2022- 17/10/2022) – £4.79
(e) To ratify payments made between meetings
• Salary September – £185.40
• Elan City- Speed Indicator Device- £2545.63
• The Community Heartbeat Trust – £151.20
(f) To receive the monthly account reconciliation
(g) Q2 Budget monitoring
Resolved: Cllr Aftelak bought to the attention of the Clerk that one cell on the budget monitoring sheet was
not totaling. Action- Clerk
(h) Clerk’s Remuneration – Cllr Lomax explained at the recent Swindon Local Council Forum the pay increase
for Local Government employees was discussed. It was agreed that while the unions still run the poles it
was looking likely that the amount put forward would be agreed and that the Parish Council’s would go
proceed with increasing the salaries rather than sitting on the money that had been budgeted for. A
reconciliation will be carried out once the new pay scales are released.
Resolved: Cllr Lomax proposed the increase to the Clerk’s Salary, Cllr Wilson seconded the proposal and
was unanimously agreed.
a) Trees – A suggestion was made at the meeting held in April 2022 regarding 3 trees to be planted in
recognition of the Platinum Jubilee. As Autumn is the best time for the trees to be planted, Cllr Lomax will
consult with the Contractor to obtain advise on which trees would be best for planting.
b) Liddington Clump – Cllr Aftelak and Cllr Lomax met with the Landowner to discuss the project, the
landowner was in agreement with the proposed works. 1 year will be allowed for any personal items to be
collected, this will be announced via the website, social media and the Lyden, there will be a notice up at the
site and on each of the memorial sites stating they have a year to remove items and giving a date after
which items will be removed and stored and with permission put securely into the bunker so they are
accessible. A poem has been penned and shall be placed near the entrance to the Clump, the poem shall
state that the land is private. There will be a new wooden structure allocated for plaques to commemorate
loved ones. There will also be a sign to state that the path is a permissive path. The meeting agreed to all
the works discussed. The £5,000 funding application, once submitted and if successful, will also be used for
repairing the Liddington Castle trig point platform.
c) Cutting back of hedges- After a recent action that came from the Clerk’s Forum asking Parish Council’s if
there were any tree related issues. The Clerk raised the issue of the overgrown hedges over the paths on
the main road, which are forcing pedestrians to walk in the road. SBC responded to the Clerk confirming that
the hedges, that were reported, are their responsibility and they see these works as completed.
d) Noticeboard- The old noticeboard has now been removed. Cllr Lomax has ordered more wording for the top
of the board to state Platinum Jubilee, once complete the Contractor will be installing in Badbury Park.
Action- Cllr Lomax
Councillors who have attended meetings on behalf of the Parish Council or who are responsible for local schemes,
amenities and projects will have the opportunity to provide an update on progress made.
Allotments (LH) – In Cllr Hyatt’s absence, the Clerk presented the report. The Allotments are progressing well with 8
plots now taken. A discussion was held regarding invoicing of the allotment holders. The meeting agreed that
invoicing should be from January 2023- January 2024. Action-Clerk
Playing Field (CB) – Cllr Bunney confirmed that the fortnightly safety inspections had been carried out on 16th
September 2022. Cllr Bunney suggested that in Spring some maintenance of the benches and play equipment is
Village Hall Committee (JM) – No update provided.
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Town Fund Board (GW) – Cllr Wilson was unable to attend the last meeting. It has been confirmed that the new
name is now Town Advisory Engagement Group, terms of reference have been issued along with a list confirming
who sits on the group. Work on Kimmerfields has begun to create Swindon’s new Cultural Quarters.
Swindon Local Council Forum (DL & GW) – Cllr Wilson attend the SLCF. The Parish/Borough Charter which is the
document laying out how the relationship between Parishes and SBC should work has been disagreed with by the
Cabinet Member Responsible and rewritten. SLCF has rejected this. The cost of living crisis was also discussed,
with those parishes who have facilities creating a warm place for vulnerable residents.
Parish Chairs/Clerks Engagement Meeting (DL) – No update provided
NEV Meeting (DL) – No update provided.
The meeting agreed to put the following into the Parish Magazine
• Community Speed Watch
• Clean up day thank you- with photos
To note the following correspondence for information:
No items were raised for information or future agenda items.
The meeting closed at 9:22pm