
Minutes from meeting April 2022

Minutes 2022 Uploaded on January 26, 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on
Wednesday 6th April 2022 at 7pm in the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Aftelak, Bunney, Hill, Hyatt, Lomax (Chair), and Wilson.
Also present: Laura Evans (Clerk), Ward Councillor G Sumner
No apologies were received, all Councillors were in attendance.
As no members of the public were in attendance or had made representations, the Parish Council continued with the
Cllr Hill declared an interest as the Parish Council’s representative on the Village Hall Committee and Cllr Hyatt as
an allotment holder.
Resolved: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 2
nd March 2022 were approved and signed as a true
Fencing off the Play Area- Still ongoing, Cllr Wilson to obtain quotes before a decision can be made.
Action- Cllr Wilson
Speed Sign – Cllr Hyatt, Bunney and Wilson tried to move the solar powered speed sign but the sign has anti vandal
screws/nuts so were unable to move but gave the sign a clean and it is now working better. Cllr Lomax suggested
that this sign is still moved to the middle of the village as per the original discussion. Clerk to ask Solagen if there is
a tool that can be purchased to release the sign. Action – Clerk
Best Kept Village Competition – Cllr Hyatt is in the process of submitting the entry form.
Action – Cllr Hyatt
The Clump – Cllr Hill to arrange a meeting with Cllr Aftelak to proceed with the application for funding.
Action- Cllr Hill/Aftelak
The Monument- Cllr Lomax has spoken to the landowner who is happy for the Parish Council to seek funding to
repair the viewing platform.
Defib Training – Clerk still chasing Community Heartbeat Trust to confirm a training date, once received the date
shall be posted in the Lyden, noticeboards and Facebook page. Action – Clerk
Bark for path in Church yard – Feedback from the PCC is that permission was not sought to lay the bark and are not
happy with the size of the bark. Cllr Bunney confirmed that permission had been sought verbally from the current
Vicar. Cllr Bunney stated that there is some smaller bark that could be put down, Cllr Lomax suggested that the
Clerk write to the PCC to confirm if they wished for LPC to lay the finer bark. Action – Clerk
Noticeboard- Still ongoing- Cllr Bunney to consult with the residents of the house near the noticeboard before
purchasing. Action – Cllr Bunney
(a) To consider any planning applications:
The meeting noted that no planning applications were received.
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(b) To note any decisions:
Application: S/TWC/22/0175
Location: Parsonage House, Church Road, Liddington
Proposal: Works to trees within a conservation area- No objection.
Local Plan- The Local Plan has been approved but the review has been delayed and will be held in December 2022
as the Highways model was dated 2019 and now needs to be updated. There are no 5 Year Land sites currently
available due to the housing at Highworth not being approved.
Wanborough Road Closure- The closure of Wanborough Road means the diversion will be through Purley Road.
20MPH Scheme- Cllr Wilson stated that LPC had expressed an interest in this, Ward Cllr Sumner explained the date
for submitting a case has been extended until 24th June and the application needs to be submitted under the Ward
Councillors name. Evidence or support of the scheme from residents needs to go with the application. Cllr Wilson to
draft a piece for the Lyden Magazine to gauge the support from residents. Cllr Wilson proposed submitting an
application for all roads in Liddington except Purley Road due to the criteria, which was unanimously agreed. Ward
Cllr Sumner to email the Clerk with the criteria.
Gigabyte Fibre – Phase 1 houses will be completed by May 2022 and Phase 2 by August if not before.
Ward Cllr G Sumner left the meeting at 7:59pm
(a) To approve payment of the following invoices:
Resolved: Cllr Hyatt proposed approval of the invoices, standing order, recurring payment and ratification of the
payments made between meetings. Cllr Hill seconded the proposal and was unanimously agreed.
• HMRC- Tax Month 12- £50.20
• Adams & Watt annual contract 2022/23 to be paid by 12 equal instalments by standing order –
(b) To approve payment of the following Standing Orders:
• Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract – April instalment- £604.87
(c) To approve the following Direct Debits:
• Three Mobile phone bill – £3.00
(d) To approve payment of the following recurring payments
• Unlimited webhosting – (18/03/2022- 17/04/2022) – £4.50
(e) To ratify payments made between meetings
• Salary March – £200.60
• Wilts & Berks Canal Trust- £25.00
(f) To receive the end of year account summary for financial year 2021/22
Resolved: The meeting noted that the end of year accounts were in good order.
(g) Appointment of internal auditor – to agree appointment of Auditing Solutions as the Internal Auditor for
financial year 2021/22.
Resolved: Cllr Lomax proposed that Auditing Solutions be appointed as the Internal Auditor for financial year
2021/22. Cllr Hyatt seconded the proposal and was unanimously agreed.
a) Football Club Contract – Cllr Lomax requested all Councillors read through the contract that was
produced by Cllr Wilson back in 2019 and to bring feedback to the meeting in May of any amendments that
are required. Cllr Lomax suggested that a sign be placed on the playing field stating where the Defibrillator
is located. The meeting agreed that this would be a good idea. Action – All Councillors
b) Allotments – Continued progress with the clearance. A resident whose house backs onto the allotment are
kindly paying a day rate to level the land and are happy to maintain the area under the trees with bulbs etc.
One allotment holder is currently producing an allotment holder policy using the lease from the Diocese and
a sample of a policy. Cllr Lomax stated that the Parish Council is responsible for the allotments and that a
document should be produced, and there should be a sub-committee to create this. Cllr Hyatt, Cllr Hill and
Cllr Lomax to be part of the sub-committee. The meeting agreed this was the best way to proceed.
c) Bin by bus stop- to consider whether to purchase a lid for the bin located at the bus stop- Clerk to obtain
quotes for a letterbox style bin. Action -Clerk
d) Jubilee Celebrations- Cllr Aftelak attended the Jubilee Celebration meeting and things are progressing
well. A few issues were raised which needed addressing by LPC. Liability Insurance: LPC to cover the
event. Clerk to email insurer and Jubilee committee to write to the Clerk requesting use of the playing field.
LPC gave permission for ‘save the date’ posters to be displayed around the village on the condition they
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were removed after the event. Plaques for the three trees that will be planted in Spinney Close, Playing
Field and at The Clump will be purchased and planted in the late autumn. Action -Clerk
Councillors who have attended meetings on behalf of the Parish Council or who are responsible for local schemes,
amenities and projects will have the opportunity to provide an update on progress made.
Allotments (LH) – covered under item 9b
Playing Field (CB) – Cllr Bunney confirmed that the fortnightly safety inspections had been carried out on Saturday
nd April 2022. The rubber matting for the play park has been delivered and will be installed shortly. Complaints have
been received regarding the football team’s opposition parking their cars in a resident’s driveway on Parsonage
Close. Clerk to write to the football club to ask them to make all opposition teams aware of not parking
inappropriately. Action- Clerk
A resident has also raised concerns over cars parking on the verge in Church Road. Cllr Lomax and Cllr Bunney to
investigate possible options to prevent cars parking on the verge. Action- Cllrs Bunney/Lomax
Village Hall Committee (SH) – Bookings for the Village Hall are getting back on track. The Parish Council feel the
Village Hall is doing a good job getting back on track financially after Covid.
Town Fund Board (GW) – The last meeting was held on 18th March and members of the public are welcome to
attend virtually any future meetings. SBC has submitted a proposal to be the headquarters for the Great British
Railway. Reviews have been completed for the last 2 business cases. The final board meeting is being held on 29th
April 2022.
Swindon Local Council Forum (DL & GW) – Cllr Wilson attended the SLCF meeting held on 10th March 2022. The
Police Chief Inspector attended the meeting to give an update on plans to communicate better with Parishes, and
the Police will be holding Community Safety meetings quarterly, which Parish Councils are invited to attend to raise
The meeting agreed to put the following into the Parish Magazine
• Allotments
• 20MPH Scheme
• Parish Councillor Vacancy
• Defibrillator Training Date
• Gigabyte Update
The meeting noted that no correspondence had been received.
No items were raised for information or future agenda items.
The meeting closed at 9:10pm