
Minutes from meeting February 2022

Minutes 2022 Uploaded on January 26, 2024

Minutes of the meeting held on
Wednesday 9th February 2022 at 7pm in the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Aftelak, Hill, Hyatt, Lomax and Wilson
Also Present: Two Members of the public
Resolved: To approve Ward Councillor Sumner’s reason for absence (unavailable) Resolved: To approve Cllr
Bunney’s reason for absence (unavailable) Resolved: To approve the Clerk’s reason for absence (Unwell)
Cllr Hill declared an interest as the Parish Council’s representative on the Village Hall Committee.
Resolved: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 5
th February 2022 were approved and signed as a true
Defibrillator training: 17 people interested. Once date set it can be made known. Liddington Hall – 6pm either 20th or
27th April. Put out a flier as well as in Lyden magazine, Friends of Liddington, and on website. Would be good to
divide the village up into 5 areas with a responder for each area. Action Cllr Lomax/ Aftelak
Hedges – Hedge in Purley Road is being dealt with and is to be cut when the frosts have passed. Power line running
through one of the very large trees near The Hardings needs attention. It was suggested that the residents speak to
SBC directly as it is on SBC land. Action – Cllr Hyatt
Two residents were in attendance.
Jubilee – It was explained that a meeting had been held in the Church for the village to discuss what to do.
Information from Wanborough was also provided. Agreed to hold an event in the Recreation Ground on the Sunday.
People and families to bring own food and drink. Games and entertainment to be sourced locally. The next meeting
to discuss progress will be hold on 25th February in the Church. Received an approach from Primary Insurance &
Finance Services in Swindon asking if they could sponsor/volunteer a Jubilee event but looking at 29th May. A
suggestion was made that perhaps they could sponsor the bug, bird, bee, bat boxes and provide kits. The Beacon
lighting is being done by the Scouts and they are taking it up to the hill. It was also suggested that part of Ham Road
to be included as they are Liddington postcode. Suggest donations towards expenses. A Time capsule was also
suggested, and the meeting agreed that this was a good idea.
Football Club – Local Church meeting discussed the use of the footpath through the churchyard to the field by the
football club. General inconsiderate behavior has caused the Church to write to Chair of the Club and asked them to
refrain from using the path. They are now using the bridleway which appears to be working well. To avoid clashing
with Church services, the football club have been provided with the dates. A question has arisen about why the
football club are using the field and is this an arrangement between the LPC and Club. Cllr Wilson confirmed many
years ago there used to be a payment made by a football club for use of the field. However current users pay
nothing. The footpath was originally put in for a fete, so the Church to decide when it should be open. The Football
club provided the posts and the nets. Signs stating the parking is for users of the playing field are incorrect. These
were put up by the Village Hall committee and need to be changed. Any parking for the field needs to be in The
Street and a suggestion was made to ask the Village Inn for use of their car park if it’s not during opening hours. The
original deed for the Village Hall states the car park is for the benefit of Liddington Villagers. Cllr Hill to take the
suggestion of changing the parking notice to the Village Hall Committee. Action- Cllr Hill
Lynch gate parking slot. This is Church land and will be made into a parking slot for disabled use.
Cllr Wilson had been contacted by a resident to raise a few queries on their behalf.
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• Jubilee Memorial. The resident wished to know if there would be a memorial for the Jubilee. The meeting
suggested that some trees are planted on the Clump for the memorial.
• Fencing off the play area. The resident also wished to know if the play area was going to be fenced off to
prevent dog fouling in the park. Cllr Wilson to obtain quotes before a decision can be made.
Action- Cllr Wilson
• Ridgeway Crossroads. Concern raised over parking and the littering that is taking place. Cllr Lomax to
contact Ward Cllr Sumner to ask SBC if a notice can be put there regarding littering/fly tipping.
Action- Cllr Lomax
Cllr Wilson to contact the resident to follow up on all the points that were raised.
A resident asked if there were any volunteers to deliver the Lyden Magazine in Purley Road. Cllr Hyatt volunteered.
Gigabyte Fibre- A resident asked if there was an update on the broadband. Cllr Lomax referred to the report
provided by Ward Cllr Sumner; it should be mid- March to end of April for the first tranche. Medbourne Lane area will
be completed by the end of August.
(a) To consider any planning applications:
Application: S/OUT/20/0160 (25th February)
Location: Land At Foxbridge Village, New Eastern Villages Wanborough Road
Proposal: Outline application for mixed use development comprising up to 358 dwellings
and a mixed use hub of up to 1,550sqm (use classes A1/A2/A3/A4/A5 and D1)
with associated works. Details of the access from the Southern Connector
Road to be determined with all other matters reserved (Revised details).
(b) To note any decisions:
Application: S/LBC/21/1661
Location: April Cottage, 22 The Green, Liddington, SN4 0HG
Proposal: Installation of solar PV panels to garage roof-Withdrawn
Application: S/HOU/21/1764
Location: 2 Manor View, Liddington, SN4 0HP
Proposal: Installation of 4no. velux roof lights – Granted
Application: S/21/1281/SASM
Location: Rhodes Farm House, The Street Liddington, SN4 0HD
Proposal: Change of use of from agricultural Dutch Barn to domestic garage
& workshop including alterations to external materials – Granted
Cllr Lomax presented the report, in absence of Ward Cllr Sumner.
Purley Road – A report will be sent to LPC regarding a property in Purley Road
Local Plan- has been delayed until late 2022.
Gigabyte- Phase 1 will be completed by May 2022, phase 2 will be complete in August 2022
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(a) To approve payment of the following invoices:
• HMRC- Tax Month 10- £41.80
• Chairs Allowance – £75.00
• Play Inspections – £83.40
• Bower Bailey Solicitors- £900.00
• Adams & Watt – Monument- £681.60 – Query to be raised with Adams & Watt regarding the cost
before payment is made
• Adams & Watt – Railings – £158.40
Resolved: Cllr Lomax proposed approval of the invoices, standing order, recurring payment and ratification of the
payments made between meetings. Cllr Hill seconded the proposal and was unanimously agreed.
(b) To approve payment of the following Standing Orders:
• Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract – January instalment- £526.34
(c) To approve the following Direct Debits:
• Three Mobile phone bill – £3.00
(d) To approve payment of the following recurring payments
• Unlimited web hosting – (18/01/2022- 17/02/2022) – £4.50
(e) To ratify payments made between meetings
• Salary January – £167.00
(f) To receive the monthly accounts reconciliation
Resolved: The meeting noted that the accounts were in good order.
a) Annual Play Park Inspection – Deferred until the next meeting
b) Allotment Lease – Cllr Hyatt confirmed the lease has now been signed by the Diocese and received.
Currently being registered at HMLR but this could take some time due to a back log at HMLR. Cllr Hyatt to
start the process of renting the allotments. Action- Cllr Hyatt
c) Football Pitch Costs – Deferred until the new football season in September
d) Football/ Church Issue – Matter discussed under item 5
e) Rubber Matting for Play Park- Quotation for £120 + VAT received from Creative Play, to replace the matting
on the play equipment and Cllr Bunney to install. The meeting agreed to purchase the matting.
Action- Clerk
f) Transfer Deed – Update – A meeting was held between Cllr Lomax, Cllr Wilson and the Chief Operating
Officer at SBC. An agreement was made that a clear list defining responsibilities for LPC and SBC should
be generated.
g) Speed Signs – permission Granted to move it to Hillside and replace with more modern device. Cllr Lomax
suggested the solar panel speed sign could go down the bottom of Purley Road where it would then work.
The new Speed sign could then be put the East end of the village and also have one that can be moved
around between Purely Road and Medbourne Lane. Cllr Wilson to obtain further information regarding plate
recognition devices. LPC to ask for 30mph across the motorway into Badbury. New Highway Code rules do
give right of way to pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders Action- Cllr Lomax/Wilson
b) Noticeboard quote for Badbury Park. Three quotations were provided. Decision deferred until next meeting.
c) Liddington Clump – Cllr Wilson and Cllr Hill are attending a meeting with the Landowner to discuss cleaning
up of the area and a place that allows people to scatter ashes and place markers but lower down away from
the trees.
d) Closed Church yard money – All grass cutting to be done for the whole benefice by one contractor. LPC to
ensure the money for the Liddington Closed church yard maintenance comes from SBC to LPPC.
h) Jubilee Celebrations – Matter discussed under item 5.
i) Lyden Magazine. LPC is still awaiting the documentation requested. Action- Cllr Wilson
e) Disability Access to PC Meetings – In an attempt to ensure full access to your Parish Council meetings it has
been decided to hold the Public Session downstairs in the Village Hall and then move to the upper room for
the remainder of the business from 7.30pm when the hall is booked out to other users. Obviously, members
of the public are permitted to be present throughout the whole of the meeting and are welcome to join the
continuance of the meeting upstairs. At present the Village Hall is not available for us to hold the whole of the
meeting downstairs. This is good news in that it means our Village Hall is well used but does mean we need
to compromise for our Council meetings. The public session will be the first item on the agenda after apologies
and declarations of interest. If this doesn’t work out, then we may consider meeting earlier to enable the
whole meeting to take place downstairs, but this would be subject to all Councillors and the Clerk being able
to do so. If you have any views on this, please let us know.
f) Monument Platform Repairs – The area has been fenced off correctly with signage until repairs can be made.
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Councillors who have attended meetings on behalf of the Parish Council or who are responsible for local schemes,
amenities and projects will have the opportunity to provide an update on progress made.
Allotments (LH)- Cllr Hyatt needs help to plot out each allotment space. A committee for the allotments needs to be
established. Cllr Aftelak, Hill and Lomax offered help to plot the spaces. Action –Cllrs Hyatt/Hill
Playing Field (CB) – No update provided
Village Hall Committee (SH) – The rates for hirer have increased recently. £8 per hour for villagers and £12 an hour
for non-villagers, parties will be charged more.
Town Fund Board (GW) – The Board will be looking at the Mechanics Institute at some point but the cost not within
remit of Government Scheme. Kummerfeld’s and the Old Railway areas are being refurbished for start-up
businesses. Discussions will be held regarding the Heritage Action Zone- Station Road tunnels to the Outlet and
New College. An open-air market has been approved which will be situated near the old tented market.
Swindon Local Council Forum (DL & GW) – No update provided
The meeting agreed to put the following into the Parish Magazine
• Defibrillator Training Date
• Village Spring Clean Up
• Disabled Access for Meetings
The meeting noted that no correspondence had been received.
No matters were raised, nor future agenda items.
The meeting closed at 9:35pm