
Minutes from meeting November 2023

Minutes 2023 Uploaded on January 25, 2024

Minutes – November 2023 Page 1 of 4
Minutes of the meeting held on
Wednesday 1st November 2023 at 6:30pm in the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Aftelak, Bunney (Chair), Poppleton, Sturgess and Wilson
Also present: Laura Evans (Clerk) and two members of The Neighbourhood Policing Team.
Resolved: To approve Ward Cllr G Sumner’s reason for absence (unavailable).
Cllr Poppleton declared an interest as Treasurer for All Saint’s Church and Cllr Sturgess as the Parish Council’s representative on the Village Hall Committee.
Resolved: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 4th October 2023 were approved and signed as a true record.
The Police members in attendance gave an update on the crime figures for the Ridgeway Villages and explained that the area has a low crime rate. There was only one incident recorded in Liddington during the last month. During August and September speed checks were conducted in Liddington, 14 notices for excessive speeding were issued and 46 words of advice were given to drivers. The meeting thanked the Police for their attendance.
Yew Trees (Closed Church yard) – The Clerk contacted the Tree Officer at SBC who arranged a site visit with the PCC Treasurer, no urgent works were identified but the Tree Officer suggested some crowning works to the trees. The PCC Treasurer to make contact with the Tree Officer to see when the crowning works can be done.
The Ward Cllr report was sent via email
Gigabyte Fibre- fibre is now ready for Medbourne/Church Road etc. Cllr Aftelak confirmed the residents of Medbourne Lane and Church Road have not received any communication to say it is now working and to apply for the broadband. Clerk to email Ward Cllr regarding this. Action- Clerk
Landslip in Medbourne Lane – cleared and Ward Cllr G Sumner met with the LLFA yesterday in Badbury. They have started the process for a Section 19 investigation following flood events which will include landowners with riparian responsibilities and this should include land adjoining Medbourne Lane. Cllr Aftelak raised concerns that while most of the landslip was cleared it does not appear stable. Clerk to email Ward Cllr. Action- Clerk
As no members of the public were in attendance or had made representations, the Parish Council continued with the meeting.
To consider any planning applications:
The meeting noted that no applications had been received.
To note any comments submitted between meetings:
The meeting noted that no comments had been submitted.
To note any decisions:
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The meeting noted that no decisions had been received.
To approve payment of the following invoices:
Resolved: Cllr Poppleton proposed approval of the invoices, standing order, recurring payment and ratification of the payments made between meetings. Cllr Aftelak seconded the proposal and was unanimously agreed.

HMRC- Tax Month 07 – £48.20
To approve payment of the following Standing Orders:

Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract – November instalment- £665.36
To approve the following Direct Debits:

Three Mobile phone bill – £3.00
To approve payment of the following recurring payments

Unlimited webhosting – (18/10/2023- 17/11/2023) – £4.79
To ratify payments made between meetings

Salary October – £193.00
To receive the monthly account reconciliation.
Resolved: The meeting noted that the accounts were in a good position
To discuss future projects for budgeting purposes.
Resolved: The meeting agreed that the following items be included in the budget;

Website costs

Replacement laptop for the Clerk

Cllr Aftelak, as recommended by Ward Cllr Sumner, has tried numerous times to contact the Chair of Wanborough PC for website advice to no avail. The meeting agreed that the website needs to proceed. Cllr Aftelak to circulate again, the website and email hosting companies who specialise in parish councils along with costings.
The meeting agreed to discuss via email.
Cllr Aftelak and Poppleton attended the annual walkaround with the Contractor. The quotation for the additional works identified was circulated to all Cllr’s prior to the meeting. The quotation received was for £1,715.00p plus VAT, after discussion the meeting agreed that one item was not a priority resulting in a reduction in the quotation to £1,195.00p plus VAT.
Resolved: Cllr Poppleton proposed acceptance of the quotation for the sum of £1,195 plus VAT. Cllr Aftelak seconded the proposal and was unanimously agreed.
The meeting agreed to accept the grounds maintenance contract costs for 2024-25.
Yew Trees- Closed Church yard – discussed under item 4.
Plaque for viewing platform – continuing action – Cllr Aftelak still awaiting one quote.
Badbury Park Residents- to discuss ways to encourage use of Liddington’s facilities. Do leaflet drop early next year. Include: Village Hall rates / Allotments / Website / The Lyden/ Village Inn/ WhatsApp group/The Church. Maybe ask if anything we can offer in the Library even though in South Swindon Parish. Revisit the library idea next year. Cllr Aftelak to put something together.
Speed Indicator Device – Do we want to put in another one halfway down? One which displays number plates would be good. Might not be as urgent a requirement as sorting out the crossing. Cross hatch section down the sides or put in a cycle path would help reduce speed. Needs to be discussed with Swindon – Cllr Bunney to follow up. Action- Cllr Bunney
Football Pitch- to discuss whether LPC should charge for use of the pitch. If charges made it might raise expectations of what they get for their money. Meeting agreed Clerk to ask the football club in they are in a position to offer a small contribution towards the extra cuts that are needed to ensure ok for football matches. Action- Clerk
Councillors who have attended meetings on behalf of the Parish Council or who are responsible for local schemes, amenities and projects will have the opportunity to provide an update on progress made.
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Allotments (AP & GW): Angry feedback after village clean-up day that no one had helped in the allotments. Cllr Poppletron agreed to help out in a separate session and helped prune all the trees. Now needs a bonfire. Told management committee that a bonfire is needed and do it around Fireworks night. Main issue is water provision. (see separate details sent of costs). £240 in rent taken so far. The Council then pays on to the Diocese. 5 plotholders at the moment. Lot of money for 5 people. Allotments need to be self-sustaining eventually. Meeting agreed a smaller water provision project up to a cost of £500 which can then be extended as more allotment holders come forward. Look at the cost of the rent next year to recoup some of the costs. Cllr Poppleton to follow up.
Playing Field (CB): Cllr Bunney reviewed 18th October. Nothing needing to be done.
Village Hall Committee (JS) – Meeting next week so nothing to report today
Town Advisory Engagement Group (GW) – Reported at last meeting.
Swindon Local Council Forum (CB & GW) – Reported at last meeting. Follow up meeting attended by Cllr Wilson which discussed working more closely with the Parish Councils. Teams meeting held in October to discuss protocol. Transfer of Services working party looking at a fairer system. Next meeting 23rd November.
Parish Chairs/Clerks Engagement Meeting – Nothing to report. Cllr Bunney unable to attend Parish Chairs meeting.
NEV Meeting – Nothing to report
The meeting agreed to put the following into the Parish Magazine:


Community Police attending November meeting taking an active interest in what’s going on.
The meeting noted that no correspondence had been received.
To receive information on matters not covered elsewhere & to receive future agenda item.
Parish/Town Election Cycles Consultation
The meeting closed at 9pm
Amendment to Minutes of 1st November 2023 item 13 as per minute reference of 6th December 2023 item 3
Allotments (AP & GW): Angry feedback after village clean-up day that no one had helped in the allotments. Cllr Poppletron agreed to help out in a separate session and helped prune all the trees. Now needs a bonfire. Told management committee that a bonfire is needed and do it around Fireworks night. Main issue is water provision. (see separate details sent of costs). £240 in rent taken so far. The Council then pays on to the Diocese. 5 plotholders at the moment. Lot of money for 5 people. Allotments need to be self-sustaining eventually. Meeting agreed a smaller water provision project up to a cost of £500 which can then be extended as more allotment holders
come forward. Look at the cost of the rent next year to recoup some of the costs. Cllr Poppleton to follow up.
Allotments (AP & GW): There are currently 5 plot holders and £240 in rent has been received. There was angry feedback after village clean-up day that no one had helped in the allotments. Cllr Poppleton agreed to help out in a separate session and helped prune all the trees. Now needs a bonfire. Cllr Poppleton has told the management committee that a bonfire is needed and proposed doing it around Fireworks night. Main issue is water provision. A simple water collection solution has been designed and costed at around £1,100 (see separate details sent of costs). The meeting agreed that this was a lot of money for 5 plot holders and that the allotments need to be self-sustaining eventually. The meeting agreed a smaller water provision project up to a cost of £500 which can then be
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extended as more allotment holders come forward. Look at the cost of the rent next year to recoup some of the costs. Cllr Poppleton to follow up.