
Minutes from meeting July 2023

Minutes 2023 Uploaded on January 25, 2024

Minutes – July 2023 Page 1 of 3
Minutes of the meeting held on
Wednesday 5th July 2023 at 6:30pm in the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Aftelak, Bunney, Lomax (Chair), Poppleton and Wilson
Also present: Laura Evans (Clerk) and three members of the public,
Resolved: To approve Cllr Murphy’s reason for absence (unavailable) and Ward Cllr G Sumner’s reason for absence (unavailable)
Cllr Poppleton declared an interest as Treasurer for All Saint’s Church
Resolved: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 14th June 2023 were approved and signed as true record.
Playing Field Signage- Continuing action due to Cllr Hyatt’s resignation, Cllr Poppleton to now lead on seeking agreements for the wording required for the appropriate signage for the prohibition of BBQ’s and vehicles for Church Road and the entry signs to the playing field. Action- Cllr Poppleton
Website- Cllr Aftelak circulated website guidelines from NALC (National Association of Local Councils) and information on a company who specialize in Council websites and hosting. The meeting agreed that the PC have its own website due to potential security and GDPR issues. Cllr Aftelak to contact the company who specialize in Council websites to obtain a quote and monthly cost for their services. Action- Cllr Aftelak
Cllr Poppleton to arrange a meeting with the resident who is currently responsible for the website to discuss the future of the website and coordinate a group to look at the village website if that is appropriate. Action- Cllr Poppleton
Footpaths- continuing action- Clerk to contact Ward Cllr G Sumner regarding the maintenance of the paths or request LPC receive the £2,000 that should have been received from SBC to enable LPC to maintain the paths themselves. Action – Clerk
Ward Cllr G Sumner sent the Ward Cllr report via email which was circulated to all Cllr’s prior to the meeting.
The Liddington 20mph Zone consultation went live 3rd July 2023.
Wanborough Road is scheduled to re-open 17/7 and SCR to open 23/7.
At the recent Clerk’s Forum it was confirmed that SBC will only be cutting the verges back by one meter on the sight lines this is due to a cabinet motion to re wild all rural verges.
There will be a Ward Councillor Highways meeting (not on site but at the Civic) being scheduled for late July or August. The previous requests will be carried forward. The meeting wished for Ward Cllr G Sumner to highlight the following issues to Highways at the meeting; As the Speed Indicator Device is slowing traffic, could there be a clearer indication to vehicles of the pedestrian crossing point; Flooding issues on Medbourne Lane; appropriate signage for Medbourne Lane as requested previously on numerous occasions. Action- Clerk
A request had been received by the Clerk for use of the football pitch on the playing field for a charity football match on 27th August 2023, which included all the details of the day and what safety and parking measures would be in place on the day. The email was circulated to all Cllr’s prior to the meeting.
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Resolved: The meeting agreed for the charity to use the playing field and the Clerk to send the booking form and terms and conditions. Action- Clerk
(a) To consider any planning applications:
The meeting noted that no planning applications had been received.
(b) To note any decisions:
The meeting noted that no planning decisions had been received.
(a) To approve payment of the following invoices:
Resolved: Cllr Aftelak proposed approval of the invoices, the standing order, recurring payment and ratification of the payment made between meetings. Cllr Poppleton seconded the proposal and was unanimously agreed
• HMRC- Tax Month 03 – £46.40
• Cotswold Dry Stone- invoice 116- £2,418.00
(b) To approve payment of the following Standing Orders:
• Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract – June instalment- £665.36
(c) To approve the following Direct Debits:
• Three Mobile phone bill – £3.00
(d) To approve payment of the following recurring payments
• Unlimited webhosting – (18/07/2023- 17/08/2023) – £4.79
(e) To ratify payments made between meetings
• Salary June – £186.20
(f) To receive the monthly account reconciliation.
Resolved: The meeting noted that the accounts were in a good position.
(g) Q1 budget monitoring
Resolved: The meeting agreed the budget was on track.
(h) Annual increase in Clerks Payscale point.
Resolved: It was bought to the Councils attention that the Clerk had not moved through the payscales as stated in the contract. The meeting agreed that the Clerk should be moved to the correct payscale, which going forward will be reviewed annually as stated in the contract, and the outstanding back pay of £76.20p to be paid in July.
To receive the internal audit report 2022-23 as provided by auditing solutions
Resolved: The meeting noted that the report was good with an advisory of Cllr Bunney to undertake Playpark inspection training.
Discussed under item 4
To discuss purchasing new chairs on behalf of the Village Hall – see attached.
Resolved: The meeting agreed to purchase the chairs on behalf of the Village Hall with the condition that should the VAT be unable to be reclaimed that the Village Hall will have to pay the VAT to LPC. Action- Clerk
a) Clay Pigeon Shoot – A response had been received from the rights of Way Officer at SBC stating they are happy with the changes the shoot have made and the signage in place. The meeting agreed to write to the shoot to request the moving of the claxon from M4 entry to the private track. The Clerk to email the shoot with the request. Action- Clerk
b) Liddington Hillfort – Work on the Hillfort is progressing well.
c) Charity Football Match- 27th August 2023 – discussed under item 6.
d) Overgrowing Trees – Spinney Close footpath
Concerns were raised over the overgrowing vegetation on the path that leads to the main road from Spinney Close and the path at the rear of the houses in Spinney Close. The meeting confirmed that the path to the rear of the houses is private and not within LPC’s remit. The meeting agreed it would be best to contact the contractor in regard to the work needed on the path leading to the main road.
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Cllr Aftelak asked If LPC would consider purchasing a machine to be able to maintain the walk ways as a strimmer is not capable of doing the job. The meeting agreed for Cllr Aftelak to obtain 3 quotes for a machine to do the job required. Action- Cllr Aftelak
Cllr Lomax raised concerns that the Speed Indicator Device is still NOT operating correctly and that a new battery is required. The meeting agreed to purchase a new battery.
Councillors who have attended meetings on behalf of the Parish Council or who are responsible for local schemes, amenities and projects will have the opportunity to provide an update on progress made.
Allotments – A discussion was held in reference to what allotment holders had paid and returned the terms and conditions. The Clerk will send out updated information. Action- Clerk
Cllr Poppleton and Cllr Bunney to measure the plots. Action- Cllrs Bunney/Poppleton
Cllr Aftelak contacted Thames Water regarding in regards to sourcing a water supply, but the money required for this is extremely expensive. Watering is an issue for a lot of allotments, so it was suggested that Cllr Aftelak contact Chiseldon Parish Council to see what they do. The meeting agreed this should be the first agenda item for the Allotment Committee once it is formed. Action- Cllr Aftelak
Cllr Lomax raised concerns that at the previous meeting held on 15th June 2023, the concerns raised by an individual regarding bullying and harassment of plot holders by another allotment plot holder were not taken into account nor taken seriously when the item was discussed nor was it minuted. The Cllr’s stated that the discussion held seemed amicable at the time and the Cllrs felt they had indeed taken the accounts seriously and had supported the individual concerned. The Allotment plot holders need to understand that LPC oversee the allotments and rules must be followed to enable this to work successfully. Due to the difference in opinion on the matter raised, Cllr Lomax announced his resignation.
Playing Field (CB) – Cllr Bunney confirmed the playpark had been inspected. There is an issue with the big swing which needs some D rings replacing but the swing is still safe to use.
Village Hall Committee (JM) – no update provided.
Town Advisory Engagement Group (GW) – Cllr Wilson attended the meeting held on Friday 30th June. A review of actions is being taken, six of which are currently taking place. As much as possible will be prioritized under the new administration at SBC. The next meeting is due to take place in September.
Swindon Local Council Forum (DL & GW) – no update provided as no Cllr’s were present to attend.
Parish Chairs/Clerks Engagement Meeting (DL) – no recent meeting.
NEV Meeting (DL) – no recent meeting
The meeting agreed to put the following into the Parish Magazine
• The Wanborough Shoot
• Boundary Vegetation
The meeting noted that no correspondence had been received.
• Plaque for Platform
The meeting closed at 8:37pm