
Minutes from meeting June 2023

Minutes 2023 Uploaded on January 25, 2024

Minutes – June 2023 Page 1 of 4
Minutes of the meeting held on
Wednesday 14th June 2023 at 7pm in the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Aftelak, Bunney(Vice Chair), Hyatt, Murphy, Poppleton and Wilson
Also present: Ward Cllr G Sumner and 6 members of the public
Resolved: To approve Cllr Lomax’s reason for absence (unavailable) and the Clerk’s reason for absence (unavailable).
Cllr Poppleton declared an interest as Treasurer for All Saint’s Church, Cllr Hyatt declared an interest as an allotment holder and Cllr Murphy declared an interest as the Parish Council’s representative on the Village Hall Committee
Resolved: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 3rd May 2023 were approved and signed as a true record.
Playing field. Cllr Hyatt was seeking agreement as to the wording for the signs – see later item on agenda. Cllr Bunney reported having spoken to the resident who raised the concerns and confirms no further issues have arisen.
Medbourne Lane – Gigabit fibre: Cllr Murphy had been told there has been a change of lead person and given end of September for final fittings. Ward Cllr Sumner reported 26th July there will be a road closure in Medbourne Lane to fit final pieces then within a few weeks it will be available. Cllr Sumner has fortnightly updates from Open Reach. This latest update needs to be reported to the resident who raised the issue. Clerk to send an email.
Action -Clerk
Ward Cllr Sumner reported the 20mph scheme for Bell Lane/The Street is going to consultation 3rd July. Not Ham Road at this point. Residents will be able to give their comments. Once consultation closes it will go back to Ward Cllr Sumner. Depends on support as to the outcome. A question raised about Medbourne Lane. It is on a list to be 30mph the whole length including across the motorway but is awaiting decision.
Allotments. A member of the public expressed appreciation of all the hard work done on the allotments – much of it by Cllr Hyatt – and was pleased the Council have taken over the lease. It was felt there were some discrepancies in the understanding/experiences of what has happened historically but the key points the Council are being asked to consider by the allotment holders in attendance were as follows.
1. Allotment committee – Now that the PC have control of the allotments it is only right the allotment holders offer their services to form a group to run the allotments on behalf of the PC.
2. Pathways – The plans show pathways having been removed/altered. These should be reinstated as it otherwise makes access to plots on the far side difficult. Also, the lease says plot holders should maintain the pathways. If somebody doesn’t look after the ones around their plot it could make it difficult for others. The maintenance of the pathways needs to be more formalised to ensure the work is done. Some plot holders indicated a willingness to continue to mow communal areas.
3. Water – Access to water is critical. There is now a question about that and a clear statement from the Council is required.
4. Fires – In general fires should be kept to an absolute minimum. We are all aware of air quality issues and global warming. A suggestion was made to provide a central area where items can be placed which should then compost down and no fires would be needed.
5. Livestock – Requested a clause to state livestock should not be allowed to be a nuisance to other plot holders or local residents.
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6. Car parking – The area provided by plot 9 is not sufficient and would be better moved to plot 6. At present there is a fear of hitting a residents wall with the tight parking provided.
Cllr Aftelak asked the residents if they would be willing to pay a water charge if the Council were able to have a ball cock regulated trough/tank installed which was attached to the mains water. There appeared to be general acceptance obviously dependent on the cost. Presumably Thames Water would have a reduced charge for provision of water on allotments as there was no waste.
A resident asked should the current tenancies be signed before the above issues are sorted. As other plot holders have done so it would be good to do so and an addendum to the agreement can be issued.
There being no further items from the public session the Chair thanked the residents for their contributions and continued with the meeting. All of the matters raised would be discussed later in the agenda.
(a) To consider any planning applications:
Application: S/HOU/23/0601 (27th June)
Location: 2 Lidenbrook, Liddington Swindon SN4 0HL
Proposal: Conversion of 3no flat roof dormers to pitched roof dormers.
Resolved: The meeting agreed there is no objection to this proposal.
(b) To note any decisions:
Application: S/HOU/22/1497
Location; Parsonage House, Church Road Liddington Swindon SN4 0HB
Proposal: Insertion of 2 no. rear rooflights and the erection of carport and storage building- Granted.
Application: S/LBC/22/1498
Location: Parsonage House, Church Road Liddington Swindon SN4 0HB
Proposal: Insertion of 2 no. rear rooflights, the erection of a carport and storage building and the replacement of the kitchen ceiling- granted.
Application: S/HOU/23/0298
Location: Ferndale Cottage, 43 Purley Road Liddington Swindon SN4 0HA
Proposal: Erection of a two storey side extension and single storey front extension- Granted.
(a) To approve payment of the following invoices:
Resolved: Cllr Hyatt proposed approval of the invoices, the standing order, recurring payment and ratification of the payment made between meetings. Cllr Wilson seconded the proposal and was unanimously agreed
• HMRC- Tax Month 02 – £46.60
• Auditing Solutions Ltd- £216.00
• Clerks Expenses- Postage- £16.00
• Chairs Discretionary Allowance- £75.00
(b) To approve payment of the following Standing Orders:
• Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract – June instalment- £665.36
(c) To approve the following Direct Debits:
• Three Mobile phone bill – £3.00
(d) To approve payment of the following recurring payments
• Unlimited webhosting – (18/06/2023- 17/07/2023) – £4.79
(e) To ratify payments made between meetings.
• Salary May – £186.00
• The Sign Shed- £36.66 – Clarity was provided the signs purchased are to highlight the public rights of way.
• Gallagher- Insurance Renewal- £869.58
(f) To receive the monthly account reconciliation.
Resolved: The meeting noted that the accounts were in a good position.
To receive the internal audit report 2022-23 as provided by auditing solutions. – Defer to next meeting when both Cllr Lomax and the Clerk are present.
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The Internal Audit has raised an issue concerning the domain name of the website which has also led to a question concerning the ownership. The Parish Council MUST identify itself in the domain name. Good practice is to have a domain but we can continue with a .org provided the name identifies the Council – e.g. or The requirements are that we must also be in full control of the website. Guidelines are set out in a document from the National Association of Local Councils (NALC). A discussion ensued about whether or not we should have separate PC/Village websites. The meeting agreed the PC must have its own secure website but that further discussion was needed concerning the domain name. Cllr Aftelak will send the links for the NALC guidelines and also information on a company who specialise in Council websites and hosting thereof.
Action- Cllr Aftelak
Cllr Aftelak will also contact the resident currently responsible for the website to talk about the future of the website(s), links across and how decoupling could take place at the right point. Cllr Poppleton is willing to coordinate a group to look at the village website if that is appropriate. Action- Cllr Aftelak
a) Clay Pigeon Shoot – Cllr Aftelak confirmed having received a response from The Rights of Way Officer at SBC, who is currently awaiting a response from the shoot contact. He hopes to update us further for our July meeting.
b) Liddington Hillfort – The grant monies have been received. £3,000 in the bank. The work should hopefully be carried out in July. Cllr Aftelak will continue to monitor.
c) Footpaths – Cllr Bunney has all the info that was brought into the last PC meeting and has had a good look through it. Main thing is to walk the footpaths and put up clear signage. They are not maintained as they should be. The meeting felt it would be worth contacting Ward Cllr Sumner again about maintaining the paths or getting the £2,000 that we should have received to arrange maintenance ourselves. The Clerk to contact Ward Cllr Sumner. Action- Clerk
d) Allotment Invoice update. Cllr Hyatt is aware of only 2 people not having signed and paid. As they appear to have agreed to do so the meeting agreed to see what happens over the coming weeks.
Councillors who have attended meetings on behalf of the Parish Council or who are responsible for local schemes, amenities and projects will have the opportunity to provide an update on progress made.
The meeting agreed there needs to be an allotment committee and sooner rather than later. All allotment holders to be invited. The Committee will consist of any allotment holder willing to be on it plus 2 independent Parish Councillors. Cllr Hyatt can offer as a plot holder if she wishes. Cllrs Bunney and Poppleton offered to be the independent Councillors. The Clerk to send invites and invite responses within 2 weeks. The meeting wishes to try to finish this process by July meeting. There needs to be a Remit drawn up for the Allotment Committee. The meeting agreed to put forward the following as proposals to be sent with the invitation to form an Allotment Committee. Action – Clerk
a) The Contract remains with an addendum for changes when agreed.
b) Ensure all plots are measured and all sizes shown on Allotment Plan noting the plan is not to scale. Cllr Hyatt to carry out. Action- Cllr Hyatt
c) Plot 6 to be the car park with further parking on the track. The are currently marked as car parking next to Plot 9 will become a turning point for safe manoevres.
d) Plots 10 and 12 will be merged into 1 plot and become Plot 10. It will be charged accordingly once size known. Plot 13 will then become Plot 12.
e) Footpaths to be marked around the new Plot 10 on 3 sides.
Cllr Aftelak will make enquiries concerning the provision of water and further advices will follow once those enquiries are complete. Action- Cllr Hyatt
The meeting resolved to send a letter to residents communicating the above proposals and also including the invitation to join an Allotment committee noting there would be 2 independent Councillors on that committee.
It was felt the current wording concerning fires and livestock were adequate at the present time.
Cllr Aftelak will put together the letter and send round to the other council members for agreement before the Clerk sends it out. Action- Cllr Aftelak
The Council wished to record our appreciation for all the hard work put in by Cllr Hyatt.
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Playing Field (CB) – Cllr Bunney checked them 2 weeks ago. Large slide had a loose part which has been rectified. Could do with doing some maintenance. Team to work on that but not until after the fete. No further issues with local youths. All been fine. The rubbish bins are overflowing in between emptyings. Could frequency be increased? Maybe encourage people to take rubbish home. Cllr Hyatt to include a request on the signs. Reference was made to the Internal audit recommendation and Cllr Bunney suggested he could obtain training when inspection done next time. Action- Clr Hyatt
Village Hall Committee (JM) – Cllr Murphy reported the Hall committee are planning on replacing chairs. £6,000 approx. The Council are being asked to consider purchasing the chairs and then receiving reimbursement if there is a saving on VAT. In essence this would be good but need to check it is legal. Clerk to check.
Action- Clerk
Town Advisory Engagement Group (GW) – Meeting on Friday 30th June.
Swindon Local Council Forum (DL & GW) – Meeting on Thursday 15th June but nobody available. Send apologies
Parish Chairs/Clerks Engagement Meeting (DL) – Nothing to report
NEV Meeting (DL) – Nothing to report
The deadline for the magazine has passed but a short article about the grant has been sent for inclusion.
The meeting noted that no correspondence had been received.
There were no matters not covered elsewhere.
Items for future agendas to be noted:
The next meeting is Wednesday 5th July 2023 at 6:30pm. Hopefully in the main hall as this worked very much better. There will be no Council meeting in August.
The meeting closed at 9.25pm.