
Minutes from meeting March 2023

Minutes 2023 Uploaded on January 25, 2024

Minutes – March 2023 Page 1 of 3
Minutes of the meeting held on
Wednesday 1st March 2023 at 7pm in the Village Hall
Present: Councillors Aftelak, Bunney, Lomax (Chair), Murphy and Poppleton
Also present: Laura Evans (Clerk) and Ward Cllr G Sumner.
Resolved: Cllr Lomax proposed that Andrew Poppleton be co-opted onto the Parish Council. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Bunney and unanimously agreed. Cllr Wilson (due to being absent from the meeting) had emailed Cllr Lomax to confirm support for the co-option of Andrew Poppleton.
Resolved: To approve Cllr Wilson’s reason for absence (unavailable) and Cllr Hyatt’s reason for absence (unavailable).
Cllr Murphy declared an interest as the Parish Council’s representative on the Village Hall Committee and Cllr Poppleton as Treasurer for All Saint’s Church.
Resolved: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 1st February 2023 were approved and signed as a true record.
Clay Pigeon Shoot – Cllr Aftelak emailed the club and The Rights of Way Officer at SBC (not in her capacity as a Councillor but as a Member of the public) as on a recent walk a shot was fired overhead while on the public footpath, as the club did not cease shooting despite the club being adamant they can see the public on the footpath. The path is littered with spent clay and cartridges. Cllr Aftelak to contact Ward Cllr G Sumner should a response not be received from the Rights Of Way Officer. Action- Cllr Aftelak
Liddington Hillfort- After hearing from the Landscape Trust, Cllr Aftelak completed the grant application form required and circulated to all LPC Cllr’s prior to the meeting. Ward Cllr G Sumner requested that he be copied in on the email submitting the form due to sitting on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) committee and being able to support the application. The meeting agreed for Cllr Aftelak to submit the application form.
Action- Cllr Aftelak
Football Club Parking- There is no solution to the football club parking issues. There is potential for the football club to park in the Village Inn but only once a new tenant and agreement is in place, as Arkell’s cannot allow anyone to use the car park while unattended.
Road Surface- The Street- Cllr Lomax raised the issue of the poor quality of the road surface in The Street. Ward Cllr G Sumner explained that a Ward Walk has been arranged with the head of Highways from SBC on the 9th March 2023 and this is on the list to be shown and discussed. Medbourne Lane signage, which is still an issue, is also to be discussed along with the collapsing bank and disappearing paths along Purely Road.
A road sweeper was recently sent through the village after LPC reported the build up of debris on the edges of the road. Despite the sweeper coming through Cllr Lomax removed 35 wheelbarrows of debris from Purley Road.
Litter- A resident from Wroughton kindly went and litter picked the ‘parking area’ on the B4192 junction which generated 7 bags of litter. LPC wished to thank the resident for the litter picking done. Cllr Lomax suggested that this area be added to the Village Clean Up day being held on 25th March 2023.
Ward Cllr G Sumner will be attending the Ward Walk with the head of Highway Ops from SBC on 9th March 2023.
Minutes – March 2023 Page 2 of 3
The Local Plan call for sites closes on the 30th March 2023.
Pack Hill in Wanborough is now reopen, Wanborough Road is now closed and will look to reopen in Summer 2023.
Gigabit Fibre – The latest update received from Openreach is phase 2 is awaiting poling for Medbourne Lane and further down. Church Road is still awaiting Civil permission, which means it is awaiting permission for digging or putting up poles.
Parking- The Street- Cllr Lomax explained that an email had been received from a resident regarding the parking on The Street with vehicles that park across the road junction creating some issues for buses and other road users coming from Ham Road onto The Street. LPC feel the frustration of this situation but have no enforcement powers this is down to SBC and the Police. This issue was raised with Ward Cllr G Sumner.
Ward Cllr G Sumner left the meeting at 7:45pm.
As no members of the public were in attendance or had made representations, the Parish Council continued with the meeting.
(a) To consider any planning applications:
Application: S/RES/22/1831 (1st March)
Location: Land at Marlborough Road, Swindon.
Proposal: Further Application for Approval of Reserved Matters (alternative scheme for
part of details approved under S/RES/21/1026) for 20no. homes and ancillary parking and landscaping
(b) To note any decisions:
Application: S/TWC/23/0055/TIST
Location: Parsonage House, Church Road, Liddington, Swindon
Proposal: Works to trees within a conservation area – Granted.
(a) To approve payment of the following invoices:
Resolved: Cllr Lomax proposed approval of the invoices, standing order, recurring payment and ratification of the payments made between meetings. Cllr Bunney seconded the proposal and was unanimously agreed.
• HMRC- Tax Month 11- £31.20
(b) To approve payment of the following Standing Orders:
• Adams & Watt – Annual grass cutting contract – March instalment- £604.87
(c) To approve the following Direct Debits:
• Three Mobile phone bill – £3.00
(d) To approve payment of the following recurring payments
• Unlimited webhosting – (18/02/2023- 17/03/2023) – £4.79
(e) To ratify payments made between meetings
• Salary February – £201.40
(f) To receive the monthly account reconciliation
Resolved: The meeting noted the accounts were in good order.
a) Clay Pigeon Shoot – discussed under item 5.
b) The Street – parking – discussed under item 6
c) Notice of Temporary Road Closure- Ham Lane and Bell Lane
d) Maintenance of pavement along main road East of gate to Spinney Close- discussed under item 5
e) Call for sites for Local Plan- discussed under item 6
Councillors who have attended meetings on behalf of the Parish Council or who are responsible for local schemes, amenities and projects will have the opportunity to provide an update on progress made.
Allotments (LH) – No update provided.
Minutes – March 2023 Page 3 of 3
Playing Field (CB) – The Annual Playpark inspection has been carried out and the report circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting. Cllr Bunney to review and with the help of the Cllr’s in the Spring action any points raised by the inspection. At first glance there is no major changes from the report provided last year.
Village Hall Committee (JM) – Bookings for the Village Hall have increased; a Bingo night is due to be held on 1st April and a Plant Sale on 20th May with more events planned for the Summer including the Fete and a BBQ. The Village Hall are currently obtaining quotes to the have the disabled bays re-marked and quotation for extra roof insultation.
Town Advisory Engagement Group (GW) – No recent meeting has taken place
Swindon Local Council Forum (DL & GW) – Next meeting due to be held on 23rd March
Parish Chairs/Clerks Engagement Meeting (DL) No recent meeting has taken place
NEV Meeting (DL) – No recent meeting has taken place.
Cllr Bunney raised the issue of whether the Defibrillators were due for a service. Cllr Lomax to investigate.
Action- Cllr Lomax
Cllr Murphy raised the issue that the Councillor poster on the noticeboard had the wrong house number.
Cllr Poppleton was asked to send a photo to the Clerk so the poster and website could be updated.
Action- Cllr Poppleton
The meeting agreed to put the following into the Parish Magazine
• New Councillor
• Viewing Platform Grant
• Allotments – Reminder that plots are available
The meeting noted that no correspondence had been received.
No items were raised for information or future agenda items.
The meeting closed at 8:43pm